Luke 2:4&5 So Joseph also went up from the town of
Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he
belonged to the house and live of David. He went there to register with Mary,
who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.
At one time in my life I actually
enjoyed traveling in the winter. I was much younger and thoroughly enjoyed
skiing. We in eastern Idaho are truly blessed with some awesome skiing venues.
Sun Valley, Jackson Hole and Grand Targhee resorts are among the best in the
world. In my trips to these resorts I missed the sights along the way because I
was focused on making it to the destination. What I forgot was that in going to
these mountain locations is the scenic beauty is far and above what I enjoyed
on my journeys to ski hills back in the flat land of my youth called
Michigan. Remember to savor the journey, and to not be
obsessed with the destination.
any distance in modern times is drastically different than in the times of Mary
& Joseph. Today we jump in our car and off we go. Warm & comfortable
with many places to stop for breaks, food, and other necessities describes our
journies. Joseph and Mary had no such conveniences on the road to Bethlehem.
Travel was on foot or on the back of a donkey. Their journey took place in the
fall/winter so chilly weather was the norm. And they could not just pull over
at a truck stop. Additionally there was the chance encounter with bandits to
consider. Joseph and Mary had little choice in making the journey. It was a
trip they simply had to take for fulfill the requirements of the census decreed
by the government. Joseph was from the house and line of David so they had to
travel to Bethlehem. And Mary accompanied Joseph, even though she was with child.
Today, such a journey would not be permitted in consideration of the safety of
the mother and unborn child. We say we value human life more in modern times.
Some will argue that point, but we like to “think” that is the case. The point I seek to make is Mary accompanied
Joseph out of Real Love. She was to be his wife. He was to be her husband. And
even though the words were not yet captured in scripture the principle of Real
Love abounded as described in Ephesians
5:1. “Submit to on another out of reverence
for Christ.” Our takeaway from their journey is we do things for our
spouses out of Real Love. We do so without some hidden score sheet and an
expectation that it will be “our turn” next. We do for each other out of love,
just as Christ first loved us. No score recorded, no tally taken. We just do.
The reason is Real Love. It may seem too simplistic, but then again the best
things in life really are the simple things.
PRAYER: Lord we
lift up our spouses to You in thanksgiving. You give us a loved one to care
for, and to share our lives. Help us to cherish the times we have as husband
and wife. Help us to keep our love for each other strong. And let our love be
modeled on how Christ first loved us. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
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