This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Monday, August 16, 2010

And this is my prayer: Part 2 of 3

Phil 1:9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight

The endless thirst for knowledge has led many in this world to interesting and diverse lives. In some cases it has led to discoveries that change how we live our lives. It has changed the face of medicine, science, and life. In some cases this thirst for knowledge has replaced worshiping the Lord.

Finding time to read the Word of God can be difficult at times in our lives. I once heard that if you can keep at something for one month it can become a habit and that makes it difficult to break the pattern of behavior. Interesting concept to consider. There is an important factor in establishing a habit of reading the Bible. There is someone out there who wants to distract you from doing just that. There is a party that has a dog in the fight to keep you out of the Word. He has many names. Satan, the devil, the prince of darkness, the evil one to list just a few. And he has one focus and that is to help you lose your focus on God. He has many methods to carry this mission of distraction out. Each more clever than the last one. It is a battle that you and I will wage until we pass on from this life. And why do you suppose he does not want you in the Word? He wants us to become lost. A sailor constantly refers to his navigation charts, GPS, and depth sounder to keep on course and off the rocks. We need to read the Bible daily because it gives us the information we need to stay on course and off the rocks of life.

When we are in the Word, we are in a conversation with the Lord. We are hearing what He has to say to you and I. We have the opportunity to ready, study pray over what we have learned, and look for opportunities to apply those principles imparted to us in our lives. If we are distracted we lose this conversation and all the benefits that follow. We may miss an opportunity to reach out in love to one who is lost or struggling because they have become distracted. That is why it is important to stay in the Word. It saves lives. Our life here and the lives of others we may encounter. The Word of God is a gift waiting for us to open it each and every day of our lives. Let us resolve to not miss that opportunity to gain the knowledge and depth of insight that awaits us in each verse.

PRAYER: Blessed Lord, Your Word feeds us and sustains us each and every day. Help us as we move through the many verses of wisdom we call the Bible to gain the insight You have set forth in the words captured through the centuries. Reveal to us how You would have us share those words with others. Guide us and keep us strong in our faith to maintain a daily reading program. Let the words of Your Son ring true in our hearts. We ask this in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

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