This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Friday, August 20, 2010

Filled with the fruit of righteousness...

Philippians 1:11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Motivation to do something can be fleeting thing. In my case it is difficult to find motivation on Monday. I enjoy the weekends and do not want to be back at work. But then again I like to eat and play so off to work I go. How about you?  What motivates you?

I find comfort in this passage of scripture. My comfort comes from two statements. 1.) righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, and 2.) to the glory and praise of God. This comfort I find here is best explained in how something I could not earn on my own has been bought and paid for.  And the reason that I am doing what I am doing is to glorify and praise God. It is reassuring to have a purpose and motivation. We need that in our lives. We need to be doing something. Our efforts in life need a focus or we can go astray. A boat needs to be at anchor, or under power. Otherwise the boat will wander off or run aground. We can encounter people like that in our daily walk. They can be seen just drifting along without a purpose. Going from crisis to crisis with no direction in what they do. Or we can see people who have run aground and they are being thrashed on the rocks of life through addiction, hate, abuse, etc. But the righteousness that comes from Jesus Christ gives me hope that this life in not all that there is. Beyond this life there is an eternity of life that is only possible because God loves each and every one of us and wants us to be with him in heaven. That is why Jesus suffered the humiliation of the cross. It was to reconcile sinful man with the Father. The love of God brought us back together. We who were lost in sin could not make that leap. But God, who is faithful and just, built a bridge for us to cross. And it came in the form of a cross. We can praise and glorify God in all that we do by accepting his love and sharing that love with those who need to hear the Good News of the Gospel. We can help those who are lost to be found. We can also help fellow believers by staying in fellowship. That is how Christians stay on course. We share the love with believers, and non-believers. And for all this, may God receive all the glory!

PRAYER: Father, we take time today to thank You for giving us Your love. We sinners who were undeserving of that love were saved by the sacrifice of You Son Jesus Christ. The faith You give us through the Holy Spirit keeps us grounded and able to share that love with others. Guide us O God on our journey. Help us to shine the light of Jesus as a lighthouse pierces the darkness of the night. We ask this in the strong name of Jesus. Amen

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