This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Monday, August 9, 2010

I thank my God every time I remember you.

Philippians 1:3 I thank my God every time I remember you.

Old acquaintances are sometimes the best acquaintances. You know each other, accept each other for what you are. You have history together. Chances are you have seen each other at your best, and worst.

We have in Philippians 1:3 a very touching sentiment from the Apostle Paul to the Philippians. They obviously have a special place in his heart. He fondly remembers his time with them, and in the opening to his letter to the Philippians, he speaks of his memories of them. Paul thanks God for the Philippians. History records the church in Philippi sent gifts to Paul to help fund his ministry efforts. The Expositors Commentary of the NIV records the following: The first convert was Lydia, a "God-fearer" (a term denoting a Gentile who had become a partial adherent to Judaism) who responded to Paul by receiving Christian baptism and opening her home to the missionary party. Other significant incidents were the exorcism of the demon from a slave girl and the conversion of the jailer and his family. These early converts were a most diverse and unlikely group with which to found a local church, but the grace of God overcame their differences.

I have the blessing of attending a church which is growing in a part of the country where it would seem odd that such growth happens. We are not the predominant religion. There is a major faith that overshadows all Christian churches, yet there is an undeniable pattern of growth in these Christian churches. The Gospel is being preached, and heard by an ever increasing number of people here. The success of these churches cannot be disputed. Many walks of life are found in each. And yes, there is even a church that reaches out to bikers (motorcyclists). People need hope, people need to here the truth. And in the Gospel, the truth rings loud and clear. The undeniable love of God pours out in the words we all can hear and read each and every day. We are blessed by a pattern of growth here, and in other parts of this country and the world. There is a truth that transcends the false teachings of our world and those hungry for the truth are devouring the words of truth. The number of Christians grows and so we too can echo the words of the Philippians. We too can thank our God as we remember those who are flocking to here the truth. Praise God!

PRAYER: Lord, Your words of truth ring out for all to here. The peace and love of the Gospel flows out for the many. Your Spirit reaches into the hearts of the multitudes and removes the cords that have bound their hearts in false teachings. Your truth, and only Your truth sets men free. Let all Your servants be filled with the Holy Spirit and share the Good News of the Gospel with courage and determination. We ask this in the strong name of Jesus. Amen

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