Phil 1:9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,
Have you ever been accused of being shallow-minded? It is usually a term we associate with someone who has a one track mind. Their focus is on superficial things. Looks, possessions, and the like. They focus on one activity and it is almost like an obsession.
We are reminded of loving our neighbor in the words of Jesus in Matthew 22 in his discussion with the Pharisees. Beginning in Mt 22:37 and going to 40. Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
We are reminded of the commandment to love our neighbor as we love our selves. That can be a lot sometimes. And some may say that we do this not out of love, but because if we are to earn our salvation, we must do so. It is a works approach to salvation. But if we say we are saved by works, then we are telling God that his Son died in vain for us. We are saying we can save ourselves and we do not need the sacrifice of Christ. All I can say is good luck with that approach. We gain knowledge and wisdom and depth of insight in our study of the Word. And through our study we reach the conclusion that it is by grace we have been saved (Romans 11:6 and Ephesians 2:5&8). Love given under duress is insincere at best. Love given freely without obligation or expectation is true and pure. As we grow in our understanding of the Word of God we come to know this truth more fully. Christ died on the cross for you and I and all who believe. We know that, many others do not. They labor under the false teaching that they have to earn their salvation. As you continue in your Christian walk, remember that there are many who do not grasp the fundamentals of the grace of God. We who have gained knowledge and depth of insight need to reach out in love to those who have gone astray. We do this not out of obligation, rather out of love for our neighbor.
PRAYER: Most Merciful God. Your love for us is boundless. It can be a difficult concept of us, who live in a world of 'conditional love', to grasp. You gave Your Son to die for us so that we would be saved. His unconditional love is what we must emulate in our lives. Help us to have the strength, wisdom, and faith to carry that kind of love in our hearts all of our days. Help us to find those who do not grab onto salvation by grace. Equip us, and lead us in all of our efforts to share the Gospel in our world today and everyday. We ask this in the name of Jesus who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit. One God, now and forever. Amen
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