This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Hope of the Afflicted

Psalm 9:18 But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.

The news of the past month has been filled with stories of the afflictions being endured by those on the east coast in the path of Hurricane-then-Superstorm Sandy. October 29, 2012 was for many the beginning of a prolonged time of affliction. Hurricane force winds knocked out power and caused severe damage. Boats were driven ashore to be left high & dry of streets, roads and even railroad tracks. The devastation was wide spread. Fuel supplies were taxed to the point where gasoline rationing was required.  For some the affliction continued for weeks as crews struggled to restore power in the face of monumental obstacles. The hope of the afflicted was dimmed by bureaucracy, bungling, and incompetence that permeates all human endeavor of disaster preparedness and response. When God-sized disasters happen, only God-sized efforts can overcome the afflictions.

The relief efforts pouring into the northeast following Sandy has been staggering. Private, and public relief agencies have stepped up to the plate and tried to help. Few had contemplated the scale of devastation that Sandy left in her wake. Those who had fully grasped what could be the result of a storm of such magnitude were ignored in the face of a desire for profit or rising costs coupled with declining budgets. Sadly the reality is now present for all to see. What stands out in stark relief is 1.) the heroism of those who went out to face the storm and rescue those in peril and 2.) and the acts of generosity from those who have given much. Each day, for the several weeks after Sandy, stories were presented for public consumption about emergency services workers who risked it all to step in where help was needed. Not all survived and their loss is mourned. The words of Christ from John 15:12&13 come to mind when I think of their sacrifice. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.  The second part is the acts of kindness and generosity displayed by those who gave so much to those who have need.  The gifts of food & water, shelter, warmth, kindness were and remain prolific. A bakery that baked thousands of loaves of bread to freely give out to the hungry. Or one family that had power and set up a smart phone charging station allowing many to stay in touch with family and friends. A simple gesture, yet one that speaks volumes of how simple it is to help.

Each of these acts speaks to how all can help.  Any one of us can be the hands and feet of embodying the very premise of Psalm 9:18 But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish. How we step out in faith and love depends upon the gifts each of us has been given. Stepping out is the imperative; after all it is what has been done so lavishly for us in the birth-life-death-resurrection of God’s own Son Jesus Christ. Love one another as He has loved us.

How will you share His love today by being the hope of someone else in this world?

PRAYER: Almighty God we look to you in times of trouble, sorrow and affliction. Help us when we need help. And help us to reach out in love, as You would have us reach out to others who are in a time of affliction. And strengthen our faith to share even when we think we have too little to share. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Hopes of the Wicked

Proverbs 10:28 The prospect of the righteous is joy,  but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.  

            In our part of the world the focus has been on the rush to “Black Friday” shopping.  It’s the time of year when efforts to take “Christ out of Christmas” ramps up. We see nativity scenes being yanked from public areas where they once drew crowds. The celebration of the birth of the Savior of the World is overshadowed by the blaring advertisements for the newest, greatest, and most capable thing we cannot live without in our lives. Oh, excuse me while I check out the online Cyber Monday Deals. ;-)

            Okay I’m back. Now where was I? Oh yes, the take “Christ around Christmas” rant I was on. I’m somewhat sorry about that. But this time of year really causes me irritation over the lack of recognition for what Christmas is really about. The deliberate, and very focused effort to divert our attention away from the true meaning of Christmas is disturbing. As well it should be. We as Christians KNOW what Christmas is really all about. It is not about sales and tinsel and glitter. It’s about celebrating the birth of the Christ Child. It’s about the wonderful gift of salvation given to all who would believe in Jesus. It’s a gift covered in the blood of Christ and in the shape of a tomb opened one Easter Sunday long ago. A tomb that was found to be empty. The empty tomb is wherenthe body of Christ Jesus was lovingly placed there on the day we call Good Friday. And just as he promised, he rose from the dead. His birth, death and resurrection is the hope that all who believe grasp onto. There is hope beyond what we have at this time, in this place and in the short existence we call this life. Friends, that is the very message many seek to hide from public view. I struggle with why there is such a concerted effort to hide the hope and joy that is in Christ? Proverbs 10:28 tells us The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.  It is as if there is someone or something with a purpose and focus bent on keeping the good news from being heard or seen. It is as if someone or something wants to remove from view the hope that is in Christ. Now I wonder who would have an interest in doing something like that? If you haven’t already guessed it, do not be ashamed. Most do not see the deception that Satan throws around the not so subtle effort to go from freedom of religion to freedom from religion. Yet if we take Jesus away, then we put Job 11:20 onto play. “But the eyes of the wicked will fail, and escape will elude them;  their hope will become a dying gasp." That is a path I am not willing to accept of follow. Friends we need to stand firm for Jesus when all others would seek to hide Him or divert our attention from Him.

And what about you? Is the hope that is in Christ in your version of Christmas?

PRAYER: Father our broken world seeks to hide from public view Your love in the form of Your Son. We who know the truth are often shouted down or told to walk away. We can become discouraged and disheartened. Lord we ask for the strength and courage to stand tall. We ask for the faith to speak in love, Your love to those who act without love against You. Help us to be Your servants here on this earth acting as You would have us act. Fill is with more Jesus and less of this world. This we ask in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Hope Of You Who Once Were Far Away

Ephesians 2:12&13 Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Have you ever been on a trip to someplace new to you, and become hopelessly lost? When I say lost, I mean you have no clue where you are, or how to get back to where you want to go.  Granted, with the proliferation of GPS navigation systems in about every device we can possibly carry it can be difficult to be that lost. I have been lost with a GPS in North Las Vegas and once without in the woods of Island Park. And like most people I have been temporarily disoriented with a GPS several times while the device was “recalculating”. There is a distinct difference between being lost with a GPS and being lost without a GPS. For with a GPS there is hope you can find your way back to where you started, or to where you want to go. The hope you have in the GPS is bounded by your trust in something built by a human, with data entered by a human and the duration of the batteries in the device. Without the GPS you are left with just your wits. For guys it would be that innate male sense of direction you can always rely upon. Yes, that same sense that put you into the position of being lost in the first place. Talk about being in a hopelessly lost condition :-o

In Christ Jesus we have something beyond the hope given to us by maps, compasses or GPS devices. We have  the very Son of God, a full part of the Trinity to guide us. He rescued us poor sinners when we were hopelessly lost in our sin. He came to earth at a time and place chosen by His Father to save a world that was hopelessly lost. Before Christ those who were not Jewish (The gentiles) were without knowledge of the One True God. They were worshipping false gods, or no god at all. (Much like many in our world today.) Even though they felt comfortable in that condition, they were lost and without true hope of salvation and eternal life. Like driving around with an out of date map or a defective GPS. Then Jesus showed up and changed everything. He set things right. The blood of Christ brought near all who were once far away from God. The foreigners to the covenants and promises, those who were without hope and God in the world were given hope. It’s a hope that can overcome any feeling of despair, hopelessness or fear. This wonderful blessing is there for all who are willing to put down whatever defective guide they are following in their lives and follow Christ Jesus to their preferred destination.

Are you on the right path? Are you following Jesus today? Give this some thought and prayer. Set your course by Jesus and you will find your way when all other guides will fail you. Trust in Jesus.

PRAYER: Lord of all creation, You place the stars, moon and sun in the heavens to help guide us in our travels on this earth. And You have given us Your Son to show us the way back to You when our time on earth has ended. Help us to stay on the path of Christ Jesus in all that we do and say dear Lord. Keep us from becoming lost and help us to reach out to those who are lost without Jesus. We ask this in the name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Peace At Thanksgiving

Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

It's early Thanksgiving Day morning here in Idaho. The house is quiet. The cat, who insisted on being fed at her normal 5:00 AM time, has found a warm spot to go back to sleep by the fireplace. Pam is still snoozing. Sadly she has to work today. That means cooking Thanksgiving dinner is on my plan of the day. Prayers are definitely in order and appreciated. Hopefully dinner will not be a bloody sacrifice or a burnt offering.

The stormy weather of yesterday has come and gone. The storms, like events that come and go in our lives, are a source of turbulence. Things are disrupted. Our routine is disturbed while we deal with the latest source of disruption. These disruptions happen at work, at home, with our immediate families, or with distant relatives. These disruptions can be like small waves, or they may even be large whitecap size wave problems upon the waters of our lives. On rare occasions they can even be as big as a tsunami. Significant events can bring things to an abrupt halt. But today - this morning, things are relatively calm.

It is in times like this morning, when the wind is calm and the waters are smooth that I can give thanks to the Lord for that which I have been so richly blessed. Good health, my family (by birth,marriage & extended), a job, a home, good friends, a wonderful place to worship. The list goes on. It is in times like this I can reflect back on when there were times of turbulence and be thankful for the calm. Changing jobs, divorce, struggles with my faith, struggles with relationships, the ordeal of my son Andy to just name a few. But these turbulent times are at a pause. There is a good deal of peace. And for that I am thankful. I am thankful that there is a perceivable peace in my life. And I am more thankful that I can let the peace of Christ rule in my heart. The Colossians 3:15 passage is one for us to reflect upon in our hearts today and everyday. We are called to do so because we know that we have a loving Father in heaven, a Holy Spirit that brings to us the faith to remain calm in the storm, and the Son of God our Savior Jesus Christ. We have the whole package for finding peace in the midst of a storm. And it is in times of calm, like this morning that I can remember to be thankful for the peace and tranquility that I have today. The world may seek to disrupt that calm in the future, but today it is peaceful. I can let tomorrow take care of itself. But today, I have the gentle reminder of Colossians 3:15 to keep my perspective focused on Christ and that peace that is found only in Christ.

Friends, my hope and prayer for you today is that your Thanksgiving Day is filled with all the love, joy, food, family, and fun that you so richly deserve. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.

PRAYER: Lord and provider of all I give thanks to You. You have brought me through the storm. You have remained steadfast at my side, even when I did not see You there. Your light, my Savior Jesus Christ, is the beacon I can trust to navigate by. Help me today, and everyday to relish the peaceful times. And Father, help me to stay focused on Jesus in the midst of the storms that will come. All this I ask in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Spirit are one, Amen.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

What Party Would Jesus Belong To? Part One

2 Thessalonians 3:6-9 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,  we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from  every believer who is idle and disruptive  and does not live according to the teaching  you received from us.  For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example.  We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked  night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.  We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help,  but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate

This past week saw the culmination of our efforts every four years to tear apart the country we call the United States of America.  This past week is what every veteran lived, loved, and gave their all to defend.  Some gave a little, and some gave the last full measure of their lives to protect this freedom to chose our elected officials.  Veterans gave so that we could enjoy the benefit of months and months of nasty politics.  Truly decisive politics is the rule and not the exception for the almost forty or so years I have been voting. It seems civility has gone out the door with the emphasis being on what is wrong with the other party or other candidate. Lacking are the firm details of what they will do to better serve the country they live in. It is a sad state of affairs. This series of blog article will seek to explore where Christ is in the arena of politics. We will open up the scriptures and find what there is to learn in the Word for the basis of our political beliefs.  And along the way we may find what I know in my heart. Jesus is neither republican, nor democrat. He is not even a member of the Tea Party. Jesus belongs to the party of the Trinity. Jesus is a full member of the Triune God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit.)  They make up this party, no one else.  Contrary to popular belief, Satan is not at the same level as the Trinity. He is not the equal of Jesus in the good versus evil scale. Christ stands above and there is no being who works more diligently to to twist and deceive the minds of humans to change this perspective than Satan himself.  When we see deception in shifting our focus from what is God-pleasing and serving we find Satan at the heart of the deception.  When we lose focus on what is really important as believers we open our hearts to the deception that seeks to separate us from the Father. And that is what we need to guard against in our hearts and minds.  No one earthly party is perfect.  No one party can claim that they truly and fully represent Jesus.  All are sinful and fall from the pillar of perfection.

But what about our own beliefs? In parts two and three we will look at two core issues, charity and prosperity as they relate to the bible and our political system. And at the conclusion we may find we are more confused than when we started. But that is okay because the answer for each of us in found in prayer.  For it is through prayer that we find what is the will of God.  We do not find this answer in a campaign slogan or banner.  Prayer is where it is found.

PRAYER:  Lord of all creation, we thank You for the blessing of our nation. We thank you for the sacrifice of this who have served our nation. The loss, whether small or large in measure allows us to continue to enjoy the freedom to worship You O God. Help us as we move forward to embrace Your will in our lives and the workings of our country. Help us to reach out in love, as You have embraced us with Your love. These things we ask in the strong name of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Parking Spot

Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations.  His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,

My workday morning routine involves driving to a park & ride location to catch a bus. A arrive about 5:00 AM and place my backpack in the bus line and wait for the bus to arrive. It is a great time to reflect, pray, and read scriptures. It is a devotional time. And it also is a time to watch humanity in action. People are creatures of habit. Some people at the park & ride have to park in the same spot everyday. It can be entertaining to watch how people will take several minutes pulling into, backing out of turning their wheels and pulling back into a spot that is too narrow. All this takes place with empty and spacious parking slots ten feet away.  I suppose their favorite spot saves them a couple of steps in the daily commute. But is just seems to be such foolishness.

What about people and their spiritual lives? Are they similar to the person who goes through so much work to fit into a tiny parking spot? Do you, or someone you know try and try to earn grace through effort and actions? It is sad to watch the parking lot show, but even more so to see the attempts to earn grace.  People can get wrapped up in the 'have to do something' mentality and forget the obvious and simple truth. Grace is not earned. Grace as a gift given in love, at a terrible cost. It was paid for with the blood of Christ on the cross. There is nothing more to earn, nothing more to pay. You cannot earn what has already been given. Ephesians 2:13 lays it out.  But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations.  His words on the cross,"It is finished" captured in John 19:30 tell us with chilling finality nothing more is needed. We are the recipients of the grace of God. You, me, no one can do anything else to earn this gift.

If you encounter someone trying to earn grace, much like the person trying to park in the narrow parking spot, take a moment and ask in love why they continue on that path? It can make all the difference in the lives here on earth, and in heaven.

PRAYER: Father, we foolishly try to earn what You have given freely. In spite of knowing what has been accomplished on the cross, we seek to do what we think is also needed. Have mercy on us. Help us to hold firm to Your gift of grace. Help us to see clearly through the deception that lies in our heart when we think we have to earn that prize. This we ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Whose sacrifice on the cross brought together what had been apart. Amen.