This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Friday, June 21, 2013

Stand Firm

Ephesians 6:14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
I am a fan of Star Trek (a trekkie). I enjoyed the TV series, the movies through all the perturbations of characters, versions of Star Trek, etc. My favorite character is Scotty. He was always figuring out how to fix broken equipment and telling the captain the shields were buckling or the "bearin's couldn't take any more of this". But, he was only human and did not always succeed.

When we look at our scriptural reference, we are drawn to the use of the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate covered the torso and abdomen. It protected the vital organs from injury. It was a key piece of armor in the overall armor package. Linking the breast plate to righteousness tells us our armor is linked to Christ. It was prophesied of Christ (Isa 11:5) that righteousness should be the belt of his waist and faithfulness the belt of his loins. We are made righteous through Christ. Not by our own efforts. And we simply must keep Jesus as our armor. For without Christ, our armor has a fatal flaw. Sin can and will pierce our hearts and leave us dead on the battlefield should we try on our own to resist. Keep Jesus in your life and surround yourself with his righteousness.

PRAYER: Almighty God, You gave us Your only Son. He died so that we might live. He died so that the righteousness lost long ago would be regained. Without Jesus, our armor is incomplete and ineffective. Help us O God. Send Your Spirit. Fill our hearts in full measure. Help us to stay strong with the armor of righteousness that is Your Son. We ask this in the name or our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Stairway To Heaven

Ephesians 2: 8&9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

I've been feeling nostalgic over the past several days and the songs on my iDevices have been from the days of my youth. One that has resonated of late is the Led Zeppelin classic Stairway to Heaven.  For those who want the full, uncut & unadulterated version, you can find a 10 minute video version here For those that want to see the shorter "Heart" cover of the song at the 2012 Kennedy Center honors go here  Regardless of your choice, the song has (for me) very meaningful lyrics and inspiring sound. It is a song that defined an age and rings true in the hearts of many who are of my generation. Okay, to be fair, it is old fogey music to most of the people walking the face of the earth today. But for my age group, it is simply awe inspiring music!

In the opening lyrics of Stairway To Heaven we are introduced to the story of a "lady who's sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying a stairway to heaven." The story of this lady is the same as many in our society today. There is a perception that one can buy their way into heaven. The avenue followed of living the life one chooses without regards to consequence but donating money to charity will earn the key to open the pearly gates is one way followed. Another way chosen is to live a life going around doing good deeds and completing a series of good works. There is some points system involved I guess? If you donate enough or do enough then you win! Sadly this misses the mark and falls short of the truth we know in Jesus Christ.  If either or both of these roads were correct, then the sacrifice on the cross of Jesus Christ would all be for naught. The question has to be asked, why would God send His only begotten Son to die such a horrible and humiliating death of a cross if it were not to complete all that was needed to save mankind from itself?  There is no more to remember for you and I dear reader than the words captured in John 19:30 of Christ on the cross "it is finished." We cannot not earn our way to salvation. The door to heaven has but one key and that key is faith in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2: 8&9 spells it out so clearly for all to see and grasp onto. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. We are saved, we do not have to earn or buy our "Stairway To Heaven."

PRAYER: Lord God Heavenly Father, our world is wrapped up in things that glitter. Our world is lost in trying to earn something that You have already given. Your grace is enough. In our weakness, You are strong. Help us Father to share that good news with those that are lost living for this world. Open our hearts and eyes to see the need. Open the hearts and ears of the lost that they might find salvation in Your grace. These things we ask in the strong name of Jesus who with the Father and Spirit are One God now and forever, Amen.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Patiently Waiting For The Weather To Change

Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was sacrificed one to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

    Much of my life has been spent near the water, or in places where the weather changes fairly quickly. The old saying of "If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes, it will change" seems to be a criteria for where I chose to live. Enjoying boating and fishing on the water means keeping an eye of the weather before heading out, and constantly while on the water. It must be an ingrained habit is you are to enjoy a long and happy life on the water.

    Do you know people who are not 'living their lives" because they are constantly focused on the end times? The are worried, or in some cases obsessed with looking for the signs of the end of the age. They are looking for a collection of events, signals or signs that tell of the return of the Savior Jesus Christ. We know from scriptures this is to take place. But some believers are focused or obsessed on this to the point they miss the whole point of living and sharing love of Christ. They are worried they may not have earned salvation. Apparently they missed the message of Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. They heavy lifting has been done for us. And if we grasp onto that basic premise of Christian theology we are then left with the simple task of living our lives without constantly looking over our shoulder wondering when the end will arrive.

   The interesting discussion between Jesus and a teacher of the law captured for us in Mark 12:28-31 gives us a path forward for our lives while we await the return of Christ.  One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."  Love God, love your neighbors. Two simple rules to live our lives by.  Nothing in there about worrying about salvation or constantly looking over your shoulder for the second coming of Christ. We love God, we trust God. He has a plan and His will be done. Keeping an eye out for the weather is a prudent thing. Live your life as God would have you with joy and praise.

PRAYER: Lord only You know the time and place of the end. We rest comfortably knowing that Your will is supreme and Your plan for us is infallible. Help us to stay on course in our lives. Let You love flow out of us to those we encounter in our travels through this life. And when storms enter our lives, let our faith be strong and help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. This we ask in the one whose name is above all names, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Simple Act

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

    While in Cabo San Lucas I was witness to many interesting displays of faith.  In addition to being a great place to vacation, Cabo is a place I go to for a recharge and refresh of my faith, and my soul. Many are the times I will see people doing the sign of the cross and offering a short and simple prayer. Street vendors, shop owners, taxi cab drivers are frequently among those I see crossing themselves. It is a simple act, yet little do they know how powerful their gesture is. Many are witness to these displays of faith. The taxi driver exits his vehicle, crosses himself says a few words and continues on.  I wonder what he could be giving thanks for? Safe arrival at his destination? Safe travel to his next destination? Finding a new group to drive from one place to another? Being given a fair that takes him to the airport where fares are frequent and tips are big?  Or maybe all the above and more. It is not my place to know the why, but seeing that offer of thanksgiving leaves an impression on me, and many others.

    How often do you or I stop and acknowledge the role that Christ plays in our lives? Personally, I tend to offer prayers in the morning and evening and when something 'special' takes place.  You can call it a growth area. How about you?  So here is a thought for all of us. We can take a lesson from the people I saw in Cabo. We can offer a prayer for the simple things, not just the big things. When I look back on my day yesterday I could have offered a prayer for safe travels while out running errands. I could have offered a prayer for having a job that allows me to go grocery shopping. I could have offered a prayer for the safe arrival home of my wife Pam after her day at work.  I could have offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the faith given to me and the grace shown to me.  The list could go on and on.  The point I am trying to make is that if we pray often, we stay in a conversational mode.  Talking early and often with our Father in Heaven helps us to stay focused on Him and less on our world. Take into our hearts the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. After all, we never know who may see these acts of faith and start to wonder and.....

PRAYER: Lord, we give thanks in all circumstances for Jesus Christ. We who are so very blessed often do not give the thanks that is so richly deserved.  Forgive us Father. Fill our hearts with the faith we need to stay focused on Jesus and not on this world. Send Your Holy Spirit to pour into our hearts a full measure of the faith we need to stay on track. Let Your praises ring and let our prayers flow like a flood. These things we ask in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.