Luke 22: 60-62
Peter replied, "Man, I don't know
what you're talking about!" Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed.
The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word
the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will
disown me three times." And he went outside and wept bitterly.
That must have hurt.
To say what Peter said, when he said it. And to then have the Lord turn and
look straight at Peter after his third denial of Jesus must have cut Peter to
the quick. Peter’s brash statement of mere hours before is captured for all to
read in Matthew 26:33 "Even if all fall away on account of you,
I never will." The denial by
Peter was complete. The truth told by Christ in verse 34 must have struck Peter
to the core. "Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "this very
night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times." And to add salt to the wound are the
words Peter countered with. "Even if I have to die with you, I will
never disown you." We know
that this denial was felt deeply by Peter because he is reported to have wept
bitterly. A tragic scene is what would
describe what we have just read. Peter’s
denial of Christ is complete. No one
could reasonably be left with any other impression. And in spite of all this,
God used Peter as the rock to build his church. We know this because Jesus
tells us this is how it will be in Matthew 16: 17-19 Jesus replied,
"Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by
flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter,
and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not
overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you
bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be
loosed in heaven." God has a
wonderful way of using those who would seem to be unfit, or in our eyes a poor
choice to serve his purpose. This is
also true of the Apostle Paul. He spent much of the first part of his life
persecuting those early followers of Christ. And then God uses Paul in a
remarkable manner to spread His Gospel. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Now,
brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you,
which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold
firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in
vain. For what I received I passed on to
you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according
to the Scriptures.
The word that captures
what is going on here is redemption.
Christ died to redeem all sinners.
Not just those who think they sin little sins. He died on that cross for
all sinners. The slate was wiped clean for you, for me, and for all
mankind. Mark 16:15-16 captures
what it is all about. He (Jesus) said
to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe
will be condemned. We who are just
as flawed and prone to making mistakes as Peter and Paul are recipients of that
same grace and redemption that Peter and Paul embraced so gratefully in their
lives and ministries. That is truly a
cause for tears, tears of joy to gush from all.
Father, thank You for Your grace, love and redemption, Amen.
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