This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You're A Bunch Of Stars

Matthew 2: 1-2 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

In my high school days I had a band instructor who was a real task master. He expected excellence, and strived to instill that same desire in all of his students. He had a saying he used when our efforts did not meet his expectations. “You’re a bunch of stars.” It was not a compliment. But it was meant as a subtle message that though we were capable of being very good, we had fallen short of his expectations. Much like a falling star that leaves the heavens and plummets to earth.

Has anyone ever called you a wise man, or a wise woman? What if I were to tell you that you are just like the wise men seeking the birthplace of Christ?  Would you believe me?  Well then, let me make my case for you elevation to this exalted status.

Here you and I (we) stand today over two thousand years following the birth of Jesus. We have the benefit of history, verbal and written, to help us in our search for the Jesus. We can make the physical pilgrimage to the stable in Bethlehem where Jesus is thought to have been born. We just need to hop a series of flights, book hotel rooms, secure a rental car and we can be there amongst thousands of others who do that very same thing during the Christmas season. It is as if going there will give a person a more physical connection to Christ the Eternal. Or, we can do the other journey to seek the birthplace of Christ. We can embark on the journey we call the season of Advent at our church. We can gather with a group of fellow believers, read and worship together, pray, meditate, and experience Jesus in our hearts and minds. If you labor under the misconception that you must make a physical pilgrimage to find Christ let me set you straight. Jesus is right here, right now, and always. He is not just waiting to be discovered in a place in some faraway land. He is all around us. He is with us always, to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20.) He is found in His Word, in our prayer, in our worship, and in fellow believers. He is right there all around us.  If you have the means and capabilities to make the physical journey to the birthplace of Christ you are certainly welcome to do so. But do not be surprised if you find that Jesus is no more present there than right back at your own home. After all, why would He make Himself so inaccessible to so many by just being in one place? Having to go someplace to experience Christ just does not seem very grace-like to me. How about you?

PRAYER: Lord You are found all around us. In the majesty of your creation all the way down to the most humble of beings. Help us to see You in all that we see. Help us to show Your light in all that we do. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the true star of Bethlehem.

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