Ephesians 1:9 - 10 He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment - to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
I visited an outdoors sporting goods store yesterday. There were racks and rack of things to wear that are camouflaged in color. All these clothes are designed to obscure the wearer from the view of the critters the seek while hunting. I am glad I do not have that concern while fishing in my boat.
I have been giving a lot of thought about why things are the way they are in regards to the will of God. My faith, from the Holy Spirit, inspires me to seek out His will. And at times it can be deeply frustrating. It is not as easy as if were displayed on a billboard posted along a street. The will of God is one which does require concentration, prayer and the study of His Word. At times, I have become convinced that I will never be able to discern what His will is in certain situations. At times, all I have been able to discern is that I do not need to know the why of a situation, just that it is what it is and God is in control of the situation. This condition can be frustrating, and comforting all-at-once. It is in circumstances like this that I realize no amount of prayer, study or thought will open my eyes to His will. Because it just is not important that I know. The lesson to be taken away from the experience is knowing why is not important. Rather, trusting God and His will is of utmost importance. I do not have to understand all things, that is why God is God, and I am not. To try to understand all things can be distracting and can cause a loss of focus on what is really important. When we accept that God is in charge, He has a plan, and we are saved in His plan our lives can become more focused on what really is important. I find great comfort in the Ephesians 1:9-10 "which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach
their fulfillment - to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth
under Christ." That pretty much lays it out. All of His Will is to be known in the fulfillment of time. His time and not mine. Again, that is because He is God, and I am not. When you and I fully accept that concept, our lives can take on a whole new meaning, and the peace of God can flow into our lives. There are many things in our lives that we wish we could understand why they are the way they are. Friends, when we get too wrapped up in the past, we lose the opportunity to look forward with anticipation to the day when Christ will bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth. We can lose the opportunity to see His will in bringing that day to fruition for the many who do not have Jesus Christ as their Savior. And that brothers and sisters in the Risen Savior is what is really important, bringing all to a relationship with Jesus Christ. That is what the will of God is for each and everyone of us. His will be done!
PRAYER: Almighty and Everlasting God, You have given us faith to believe. We have ears to hear, yet often we are deaf to Your will. We have eyes to see, yet often we are blind to Your will. And we have minds to comprehend, yet often we chose to believe something else besides Your will. Help us Dear Lord to hear, see and comprehend Your will in our lives. Guide us as a shepherd guides a flock of sheep. May Your will be done in our lives on this day and every day. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who on the cross submitted to Your will and gave us the righteousness we cannot achieve by our own efforts. Amen.
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