Philippians 2: 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did
not count equality with God a thing to be grasped.
Have you ever known a star quarterback? I guess I have been
blessed. I have known two. They are my younger brothers John and Greg. Each, in
their own time, was the star quarterback at Tawas Area High School. They
achieved this elite status long after I had graduated and joined the Navy. It
was wonderful to see them achieve
greatness. Humility was not their strong suit. But now that they are
grown up, I have to say I am more proud of my brothers now than at any other
time in their lives. I am glad they survived being “stars”. Because there was a time when the rest of
their siblings were convinced we were going to have to “take them out.”
If we look into the life of Jesus Christ we are offered the
opportunity to witness profound humility. When it comes right down to it Jesus
is synonymous with humility. Can you think of one example where he exercised
his privilege? Think carefully now. Here
is God who humbled Himself and took on human form which is a huge let down and
lived among a bunch of sinners. He chose not to hang with the upper crust of
society. He chose to live with common people. He ministered to the sick, the injured,
and the demon-possessed. His people were not as we would find living in the
penthouse apartments of New York. They were more along the lines of the street
people of New York. Jesus, from the very beginning with his birth in a manger
was humble. He was humble to death on the cross so that you, me, and all
mankind would be reconciled to God the Father. Now, think about a star
quarterback or other star athlete in today’s society. Humility is not an
attribute that commonly is given when speaking about star athletes. And
unfortunately we have a large part of our population that worships star
athletes when they should really be worshipping the true star of Bethlehem. Jesus
is deserving of our worship. His love for all of mankind transcended all
possible bounds of pride and self-preservation. He died on the cross for you
and I. He died for all to be forgiven. He poured out his blood like the
sacrificial lamb he was so that a bunch of miserable sinners would be made
right in the eyes of His Father. He lived a perfect sinless life. How many star
athletes can lay claim to that same type of life. None would be the correct
answer. And all to frequently we see splashed across the headlines the stories
of how these stars have fallen from grace by some act of self absorption. Jesus
is a polar opposite to that type of person. So when you go looking for a star
in your life to follow, think of the true star of Bethlehem. And as for my brothers? I am immensely proud
of their decisions to follow the only star that matters, Jesus Christ.
PRAYER: Almighty
and everlasting God, You set the stars in the heavens. You let their lights
shine into the night sky for all to marvel at. Help us to remember that there
is only one star in our lives to worship, Jesus Christ. All other stars are
temporary and prone to failure. We ask this in the name of the true star of
Bethlehem, Jesus Christ. Amen
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