Luke 24:5-8 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” And they remembered his words,
You might have heard these two sayings before. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. And the basis for effective learning is repetition, repetition, and more repetition. I personally do better by reading something several times. I think it offers my brain a better chance of capturing what it needs to. And staying in the Bible daily helps stay connected to the Lord. It is all just a good thing to read the Bible over and over, and over. It really is a good book with something to offer to all.
Have you ever had a very patient teacher? It’s someone who truly enjoys their job, understands that each of us learns at a different pace and embraces each student as unique and cherishes the opportunity to help a person learn. And through all the trials and tribulations of learning they are right there by your side guiding and helping in the learning process, slow as that may be. From what we know, Jesus was just such a teacher. He helped the disciples through his words, and parables to learn. He gave them opportunities to learn through experiences of their own when he sent them out in pairs. He taught them humility with his actions in washing their feet. And he taught them love with his death on the cross. One of the most magnificent teaching opportunities occurred at the empty tomb. When he told them “the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise,” and then really did come back he added a whole new element. He added credibility. Without the last step, the resurrection, it would all have been lost on the disciples. Later in Luke 24 he walks the disciples through scripture to help them connect the dots showing He truly is the Christ. I will bet the number of epiphanies the disciples had was tremendous. What a learning opportunity that must have been. And it remains the same for us today. We can read, and experience through the Bible and an occasional dramatic re-enactment the story of Jesus, the disciples, and all those who participated in that part of history. We can soak it in, contemplate it, study it, pray about it and ultimately we can share it. The miracle of the empty tomb is one which will stand the test of time and gives all believers the hope and promise of the resurrection. We all need to remember His words and then go share those words with other who need to hear those words.
PRAYER: Lord God Almighty, We, like disciples, are slow to learn. We who are given much sometimes forget what we have been given. Thank You Father for the love you richly pour out upon us. We offer thanks in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen
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