This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Saturday, April 2, 2011

“Know That The Summer Is Already Near”

Luke 21:29-30 And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near.

The calendar tells us that Spring is here. Unfortunately the snow keeps returning to let us know that Winter weather is desperately grasping to hold on for just a few more days. I know the God gives us exactly what we need, when we need it, and where we need it. When the lakes and reservoirs are refilled this year we will be reminded of why we received all the snow. Until then the snow shovel will remain in an easily accessible location in the garage.

This week we will be looking at the fig tree in our walk through the Trees of Lent. This is quite a tree. It was known for its nutritional value as a food source, and the ability to build stamina and strength. A little know property was the medicinal properties in biblical times that appear to have died out in modern varieties. Today we are looking at the leaves of the tree in our devotional. Unlike many trees in Israel, the fig tree drops its leaves in the fall. And then in Spring new leaves sprout and grow. All things happen in God’s time. The changing of the seasons happens to a clock set by God, not man. We never quite know when the weather will turn from Fall to Winter and then to Spring and on to Summer. I can watch the Weather Channel ® every day and still not know when the weather is expected to turn warm. They are good at guessing, but only God can give us the definitive answer. If I had my way we would have shorter Winters, and longer Summers. But that would not work very well when I consider the need for Winters long enough to build up a snow pack sufficient to see us through the Summer. Truly only God could know what is enough of each season. And that is comforting to me. I look at how mortal man tries to manipulate climate, landscape, and terrain and see how miserably inadequate are our efforts. Only the creator can assemble all that is needed to take care of man, plant, and beast. For that I give thanks. He knew we needed a Savior, and He gave His only Son to die for all mankind (John 3:16). And that is why we give thanks in prayer. That is why we worship a God who is truly a God of love. He cares about us even when we do not deserve His love. Today and every day we need to remember to give thanks to our awesome God in prayer. Even when the winds of Winter are howling outside our door we need to remember we are receiving exactly what we need, when we need it, and where we need it.

PRAYER: Almighty God You give us the sun of Summer, the beauty of the changing colors of Fall, the snow that blankets the ground in the Winter, and the beauty of new growth in the Spring. You provide for our needs. You gave us Your Son that we would be reconciled. For all these things we remember, and those we do not remember, we give You thanks. Please accept our humble praise in the name of Jesus, who with the Father and the Spirit reigns as one God. Amen.

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