This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So They Went Out

Mark 6:12-13 So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent. And they cast our many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.
Having a direction in your life is important. I can honestly say that has not always been the case in my life. Aimless wandering is a poor substitute for having a well defined course in your life. Heck, even the Blues Brothers had a focus and direction. They were on a “mission from God.”

This passage in Mark 6 is one which I find interesting and enlightening. After being under His tutelage for a period of time, Jesus sends out the 12 disciples on a “mission from God.” They are sent out two by two with specific directions on what was to be their mission. He gave them authority over unclean spirits and directions. In carrying out their mission they proclaimed that people should repent. They were telling people to make a fundamental change in their lives by asking for forgiveness and to sin no more. For some that was, and remains even today, a foreign concept. Many then, as is still the case today, do not see a need for God, Jesus, repenting, etc. They think their lives are just fine. As Christians we know that the opposite is true for those who do not know or have rejected Jesus. They are in for some very difficult times since they will be among those counted as lost and not recognized by Jesus on judgment day. They will not have eternal life. Rather, they will have all the warmth and difficulties to be found in the alternative to heaven (hell). They will have their own king over them as permanent residents of the bottomless pit. Woe be unto them. Their fate is laid out in Matthew 23:15-36. All I can say is I am so glad that we as Christians have been given a clear direction for our lives. Do you remember the great commission? Go, teach, baptize are the tasks we have been given. And our mission field is to all the nations so that none may suffer in hell. That my friends in the price to be paid for those who do not know Jesus. Not a pretty picture by any stretch of the imagination. And I wish I could say it a little nicer, but there are times when plain talk is best. The stakes are high people. And that is why we must stay focused on our mission, our purpose, our calling. Failure is not an option, and all things are possible through Christ. Our salvation does not rest on the works we do, but the work we do in reaching out to others who are lost can bring about their salvation. We only fail when we do not try.

PRAYER: Lord God Almighty, You have called each of us to serve You. You give us the knowledge, tools, and words through Your Holy Spirit. Help us to carry out our mission in serving You and those You would have us serve. Give us direction, focus, and purpose. We ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ who with the Father and the Spirit reign as one God now and forever. Amen

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