Matthew 18:15 Jesus said "If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.”
I have two neighbors. The neighbors on my right are great people. We go to the same church, visit about kids, sprinkler systems, etc. They are good neighbors. The neighbors on the left, not so much.
My neighbor on the left has a tree that has died. Last December, a strong wind snapped the tree lose from it's roots. And now the tree is leaning towards my house at about a 45 degree angle. The tree is tall enough that it will hit my house. My wife Pam and I visited with the neighbor, pointed out the leaning tree, and asked if the neighbors were going to do something about the tree. The response we received was not what we expected. The neighbors had noticed the tree and thought they should do something about it. An offer to help was extended. Thus far, the tree still stands. It barely stands.
Many times, in love, we approach a friend that has a problem in sin. At times we may be foolish enough to think that by our mere words we will cause a friend to change their sinful ways. Pride and hubris are the obstacles in front of us that prevent us from seeing the reality of the situation. Ephesians 4:2 reminds us to "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." We want the change to happen because we love our friend. We want the change to happen quickly for the same reason. Yet, we are not the agents that quickly bring about change in the lives of others. We are mere helpers. To change someone from their sinful ways is a true gift from God. And the true agent of that change Is God. For a really great perspective on changing people we can look to James 1:17. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows. Change happens not on our timeline, rather it happens according to God's perfect plan. We can offer encouragement, love, and most certainly prayer. This last tool in our arsenal of weaponry against sin is perhaps the most effective. We reach out in prayer to our Father to give us the right words to say, at the right time. We ask that our words be His words. We ask for words of love and compassion. We ask for the patience to endure the time it will take for the change that is needed in the lives of others. And we ask for the faith, for the friend in sin and for ourselves, as the process of change unfolds. We remain steadfast in support of our friend, and constantly in prayer. He who made the universe can do anything, and we must have the faith to believe that it all happens in His time and that is good enough for us. To God be all the praise, honor, and glory now and forever.
PRAYER: Almighty God You know the struggles of our friends lost in sin. You cared enough about all mankind to send Your Beloved Son to die for all sinners. This sacrifice of love on the cross tells all of us the extent of Your love for all. We ask Father that You would reach into the hearts of our friends to cause the change that is needed in their lives. Send Your Holy Spirit and pour out Your love into their hearts O God. Help us to be Your servants in battling the sin that is in their lives. This we ask in the name of Jesus, who with the Father and the Spirit are One God In Heaven. Amen
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