Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another , forgiving each other, just as God in Christ forgave you.
The most amazing thing happened yesterday. My neighbor decided it was time to cut down the tree that was ready to fall on my house. Praise God and Alleluia! Miracles do happen. And more importantly, prayers are answered.
Yesterday was one of those special days where I was given the opportunity to see a prayer answered. The tree I wrote about in an earlier devotional has been removed. My neighbor asked his Father-in law to help remove the tree. And it is gone, removed, it is no longer a threat to my house. And along the way I had an opportunity to help and show that there were no hard feelings. I was given an opportunity to "be compassionate to one another". The tree removal team needed chain saw bar oil, and I happen to have a a bottle of outdrive lube that is the same viscosity. I gladly shared what I had. The stump proved to be a problem in it's removal. I helped by bringing a tiger saw and chipped in with bringing the stump to below ground level. I fulfilled an earlier offer to help. And I helped to eliminate the remnants of the problem tree. No longer would I, nor my neighbor, have to gaze on what had been a problem between us.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. He laid out this whole experience in a manner in which there were several faith lessons and spiritual growth opportunities that I can share. 1.) After no small number of days of whining about the tree, Pam and I tried conversation with our neighbors and praying over the situation. Amazing things happen when we bring it to the Lord in prayer. When we finally tire of our own futile efforts and give it up to God we accept the supremacy of the Lord. And we acknowledge our own inadequacies before the Lord. 2.)We show grace to others because we who are unworthy and sinful were shown mercy and given grace on the cross. Who are we to withhold what is given to us? 3.)And finally by pitching in with the oil and helping to cut the stump to below the surface I was able to show that there was no animosity in my relationship with my neighbor going forward. Any physical trace of the offending tree was gone. Just as God our Father casts out our sins as far as the east is from the west, so too should we cast any issues from the past in our forgiving others. We need to bury the past and should not dig it back up.
I am looking forward to a new chapter in the relationship with the neighbor now that the tree is gone. I hope to practice forgiveness as we are reminded of in Matthew 18:21&22. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked , "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
PRAYER: Father, we are often humbled by the opportunities You place in front of us to act on our faith. When we open our eyes to the possibilities that surround us, we are blessed. We are able to be Your hands and feet. We are able to see the works You have prepared for us. And we are able to help not out of an obligation to earn grace. We are able to help out of love. For this Lord, we give you thanks. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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