Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
After three straight days of rain, the sun is making an appearance today. And while it is still in the forties this morning, the day holds the promise of time for yard work, grilling, and remembering those who have gone on before us.
The birds are visiting the feeder, and squirrels are chasing each other around the yard. My cat is checking out her favorite sun beam location and Tropical Storm Beryl has come ashore to drop heavy rain in parts of the southeast that are in the midst of a severe drought. The works keeps on spinning even as we pause to remember those who died in service to their country. We also set today aside to visit the graves of family members who have passed on. It is a day to rejoice, and a day to mourn. We are humbled by the sacrifice of the men and women who died serving their country to ensure the freedom we enjoy stands. It is also one of those days where conflicted feelings can leave a person uneasy and more than a little emotional.
Those who have died either placed their faith in the principles of John 3:16 or in something else. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For those who have passed on who believed in Christ, we rejoice because they stand in the presence of their Savior. Their struggles have ended. They are home. For those who did not grasp onto the promise of salvation in Christ, we mourn their loss. For whatever reason they made a choice to reject the gift of grace offered freely by God in His Son. They chose to let go of the hand of reconciliation and grasp onto something more unsure, fleeting, and thus condemning. It is never too late to reach out to Christ. We need only to look at the example of the thief on the cross from Luke 23:40-43. But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
On this day of remembrance take time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the lives of those who gave their all in service of our country. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the lives of our family members and friends who have gone on before us. And offer a prayer asking for the words to share with our family and friends who do not embrace the promise of eternal life in Christ Jesus. Personally, I would rather rejoice over someone's arrival in heaven than mourn someone who did not. How about you?
PRAYER: Lord and Giver of Life, this is a day where we take time to remember those in the faith who have gone on before us. Their lives we shared, and we miss their presence in our lives today and still we rejoice in their victory. Our thanks to You O God seems so inadequate. Yet for those who rejected Your grace we mourn. We ask for Your words today and everyday. We ask for the faith to step out boldly to share Your promise of grace and salvation with those who do not know or have walked away from that gift. Gives us words to speak. This we ask in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.
The Underway Devotionals is a Christian blog. Underway is a nautical term used for when a vessel has left the safety of the dock or anchorage. For believers, it describes our being out in the world holding onto and sharing our faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us - "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." To God be all the glory in all that we do!
This Is Where Everything Changed

Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
The path of the wind
Ecclesiastes 11:5 As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.
Catching a flight out of any airport can be an adventure. Regardless of where your flight originates from or is heading to, there are many elements of the process totally outside of you control. I believe the airline is capable a of flying me from point A to point B and have my luggage arrive at the same airport as I do. But then again, their track record indicates something else.
I am not an airline pilot, nor am I a flight attendant or ground crew member. I have to trust that each of these people will do as they have been trained and perform their duties to the best of their abilities. I have to trust that the people at Boeing who assembled the plane, did so to perfection. If anyone in this whole process makes an error I could have an undesirable outcome for my flight. The human element in this equation introduces so many variables. And with each variable introduced, the outcome becomes less and less assured. History has shown there are a lot of things that can go wrong with an airlines flight. Maybe that is why I always offer a prayer before each take off and landing?
In God we have a confidence in the outcome that is like nothing else. With God there is perfection. With God there is a plan. With man there is randomness on a scale that can defy all sense of logic. Yet with God, there is a purpose for everything. And in that purpose for everything there is comfort. I may not see the long term plan, and I accept that I may never see the plan play out. If I am given glimpses into the why, then great! If not, it is okay. I am not God, and it is not for me to worry about what is to happen. My role is to study, observe, pray and write. It's simple and that is what I need for I am a simple human being. God, the maker of all things is in charge of my life and that suffices for me.
Prayer: Lord of all things we look to you for answers when we are troubled or confused. We reach out to you when our faith falters. We humbly asks for Your Holy Spirit to be poured into us that we would have the faith to continue on when we are in doubt. We as this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Catching a flight out of any airport can be an adventure. Regardless of where your flight originates from or is heading to, there are many elements of the process totally outside of you control. I believe the airline is capable a of flying me from point A to point B and have my luggage arrive at the same airport as I do. But then again, their track record indicates something else.
I am not an airline pilot, nor am I a flight attendant or ground crew member. I have to trust that each of these people will do as they have been trained and perform their duties to the best of their abilities. I have to trust that the people at Boeing who assembled the plane, did so to perfection. If anyone in this whole process makes an error I could have an undesirable outcome for my flight. The human element in this equation introduces so many variables. And with each variable introduced, the outcome becomes less and less assured. History has shown there are a lot of things that can go wrong with an airlines flight. Maybe that is why I always offer a prayer before each take off and landing?
In God we have a confidence in the outcome that is like nothing else. With God there is perfection. With God there is a plan. With man there is randomness on a scale that can defy all sense of logic. Yet with God, there is a purpose for everything. And in that purpose for everything there is comfort. I may not see the long term plan, and I accept that I may never see the plan play out. If I am given glimpses into the why, then great! If not, it is okay. I am not God, and it is not for me to worry about what is to happen. My role is to study, observe, pray and write. It's simple and that is what I need for I am a simple human being. God, the maker of all things is in charge of my life and that suffices for me.
Prayer: Lord of all things we look to you for answers when we are troubled or confused. We reach out to you when our faith falters. We humbly asks for Your Holy Spirit to be poured into us that we would have the faith to continue on when we are in doubt. We as this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, May 13, 2012
If a tree falls
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another , forgiving each other, just as God in Christ forgave you.
The most amazing thing happened yesterday. My neighbor decided it was time to cut down the tree that was ready to fall on my house. Praise God and Alleluia! Miracles do happen. And more importantly, prayers are answered.
Yesterday was one of those special days where I was given the opportunity to see a prayer answered. The tree I wrote about in an earlier devotional has been removed. My neighbor asked his Father-in law to help remove the tree. And it is gone, removed, it is no longer a threat to my house. And along the way I had an opportunity to help and show that there were no hard feelings. I was given an opportunity to "be compassionate to one another". The tree removal team needed chain saw bar oil, and I happen to have a a bottle of outdrive lube that is the same viscosity. I gladly shared what I had. The stump proved to be a problem in it's removal. I helped by bringing a tiger saw and chipped in with bringing the stump to below ground level. I fulfilled an earlier offer to help. And I helped to eliminate the remnants of the problem tree. No longer would I, nor my neighbor, have to gaze on what had been a problem between us.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. He laid out this whole experience in a manner in which there were several faith lessons and spiritual growth opportunities that I can share. 1.) After no small number of days of whining about the tree, Pam and I tried conversation with our neighbors and praying over the situation. Amazing things happen when we bring it to the Lord in prayer. When we finally tire of our own futile efforts and give it up to God we accept the supremacy of the Lord. And we acknowledge our own inadequacies before the Lord. 2.)We show grace to others because we who are unworthy and sinful were shown mercy and given grace on the cross. Who are we to withhold what is given to us? 3.)And finally by pitching in with the oil and helping to cut the stump to below the surface I was able to show that there was no animosity in my relationship with my neighbor going forward. Any physical trace of the offending tree was gone. Just as God our Father casts out our sins as far as the east is from the west, so too should we cast any issues from the past in our forgiving others. We need to bury the past and should not dig it back up.
I am looking forward to a new chapter in the relationship with the neighbor now that the tree is gone. I hope to practice forgiveness as we are reminded of in Matthew 18:21&22. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked , "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
PRAYER: Father, we are often humbled by the opportunities You place in front of us to act on our faith. When we open our eyes to the possibilities that surround us, we are blessed. We are able to be Your hands and feet. We are able to see the works You have prepared for us. And we are able to help not out of an obligation to earn grace. We are able to help out of love. For this Lord, we give you thanks. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
The most amazing thing happened yesterday. My neighbor decided it was time to cut down the tree that was ready to fall on my house. Praise God and Alleluia! Miracles do happen. And more importantly, prayers are answered.
Yesterday was one of those special days where I was given the opportunity to see a prayer answered. The tree I wrote about in an earlier devotional has been removed. My neighbor asked his Father-in law to help remove the tree. And it is gone, removed, it is no longer a threat to my house. And along the way I had an opportunity to help and show that there were no hard feelings. I was given an opportunity to "be compassionate to one another". The tree removal team needed chain saw bar oil, and I happen to have a a bottle of outdrive lube that is the same viscosity. I gladly shared what I had. The stump proved to be a problem in it's removal. I helped by bringing a tiger saw and chipped in with bringing the stump to below ground level. I fulfilled an earlier offer to help. And I helped to eliminate the remnants of the problem tree. No longer would I, nor my neighbor, have to gaze on what had been a problem between us.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. He laid out this whole experience in a manner in which there were several faith lessons and spiritual growth opportunities that I can share. 1.) After no small number of days of whining about the tree, Pam and I tried conversation with our neighbors and praying over the situation. Amazing things happen when we bring it to the Lord in prayer. When we finally tire of our own futile efforts and give it up to God we accept the supremacy of the Lord. And we acknowledge our own inadequacies before the Lord. 2.)We show grace to others because we who are unworthy and sinful were shown mercy and given grace on the cross. Who are we to withhold what is given to us? 3.)And finally by pitching in with the oil and helping to cut the stump to below the surface I was able to show that there was no animosity in my relationship with my neighbor going forward. Any physical trace of the offending tree was gone. Just as God our Father casts out our sins as far as the east is from the west, so too should we cast any issues from the past in our forgiving others. We need to bury the past and should not dig it back up.
I am looking forward to a new chapter in the relationship with the neighbor now that the tree is gone. I hope to practice forgiveness as we are reminded of in Matthew 18:21&22. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked , "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
PRAYER: Father, we are often humbled by the opportunities You place in front of us to act on our faith. When we open our eyes to the possibilities that surround us, we are blessed. We are able to be Your hands and feet. We are able to see the works You have prepared for us. And we are able to help not out of an obligation to earn grace. We are able to help out of love. For this Lord, we give you thanks. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Just between the two of you
Matthew 18:15 Jesus said "If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.”
I have two neighbors. The neighbors on my right are great people. We go to the same church, visit about kids, sprinkler systems, etc. They are good neighbors. The neighbors on the left, not so much.
My neighbor on the left has a tree that has died. Last December, a strong wind snapped the tree lose from it's roots. And now the tree is leaning towards my house at about a 45 degree angle. The tree is tall enough that it will hit my house. My wife Pam and I visited with the neighbor, pointed out the leaning tree, and asked if the neighbors were going to do something about the tree. The response we received was not what we expected. The neighbors had noticed the tree and thought they should do something about it. An offer to help was extended. Thus far, the tree still stands. It barely stands.
Many times, in love, we approach a friend that has a problem in sin. At times we may be foolish enough to think that by our mere words we will cause a friend to change their sinful ways. Pride and hubris are the obstacles in front of us that prevent us from seeing the reality of the situation. Ephesians 4:2 reminds us to "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." We want the change to happen because we love our friend. We want the change to happen quickly for the same reason. Yet, we are not the agents that quickly bring about change in the lives of others. We are mere helpers. To change someone from their sinful ways is a true gift from God. And the true agent of that change Is God. For a really great perspective on changing people we can look to James 1:17. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows. Change happens not on our timeline, rather it happens according to God's perfect plan. We can offer encouragement, love, and most certainly prayer. This last tool in our arsenal of weaponry against sin is perhaps the most effective. We reach out in prayer to our Father to give us the right words to say, at the right time. We ask that our words be His words. We ask for words of love and compassion. We ask for the patience to endure the time it will take for the change that is needed in the lives of others. And we ask for the faith, for the friend in sin and for ourselves, as the process of change unfolds. We remain steadfast in support of our friend, and constantly in prayer. He who made the universe can do anything, and we must have the faith to believe that it all happens in His time and that is good enough for us. To God be all the praise, honor, and glory now and forever.
PRAYER: Almighty God You know the struggles of our friends lost in sin. You cared enough about all mankind to send Your Beloved Son to die for all sinners. This sacrifice of love on the cross tells all of us the extent of Your love for all. We ask Father that You would reach into the hearts of our friends to cause the change that is needed in their lives. Send Your Holy Spirit and pour out Your love into their hearts O God. Help us to be Your servants in battling the sin that is in their lives. This we ask in the name of Jesus, who with the Father and the Spirit are One God In Heaven. Amen
I have two neighbors. The neighbors on my right are great people. We go to the same church, visit about kids, sprinkler systems, etc. They are good neighbors. The neighbors on the left, not so much.
My neighbor on the left has a tree that has died. Last December, a strong wind snapped the tree lose from it's roots. And now the tree is leaning towards my house at about a 45 degree angle. The tree is tall enough that it will hit my house. My wife Pam and I visited with the neighbor, pointed out the leaning tree, and asked if the neighbors were going to do something about the tree. The response we received was not what we expected. The neighbors had noticed the tree and thought they should do something about it. An offer to help was extended. Thus far, the tree still stands. It barely stands.
Many times, in love, we approach a friend that has a problem in sin. At times we may be foolish enough to think that by our mere words we will cause a friend to change their sinful ways. Pride and hubris are the obstacles in front of us that prevent us from seeing the reality of the situation. Ephesians 4:2 reminds us to "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." We want the change to happen because we love our friend. We want the change to happen quickly for the same reason. Yet, we are not the agents that quickly bring about change in the lives of others. We are mere helpers. To change someone from their sinful ways is a true gift from God. And the true agent of that change Is God. For a really great perspective on changing people we can look to James 1:17. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows. Change happens not on our timeline, rather it happens according to God's perfect plan. We can offer encouragement, love, and most certainly prayer. This last tool in our arsenal of weaponry against sin is perhaps the most effective. We reach out in prayer to our Father to give us the right words to say, at the right time. We ask that our words be His words. We ask for words of love and compassion. We ask for the patience to endure the time it will take for the change that is needed in the lives of others. And we ask for the faith, for the friend in sin and for ourselves, as the process of change unfolds. We remain steadfast in support of our friend, and constantly in prayer. He who made the universe can do anything, and we must have the faith to believe that it all happens in His time and that is good enough for us. To God be all the praise, honor, and glory now and forever.
PRAYER: Almighty God You know the struggles of our friends lost in sin. You cared enough about all mankind to send Your Beloved Son to die for all sinners. This sacrifice of love on the cross tells all of us the extent of Your love for all. We ask Father that You would reach into the hearts of our friends to cause the change that is needed in their lives. Send Your Holy Spirit and pour out Your love into their hearts O God. Help us to be Your servants in battling the sin that is in their lives. This we ask in the name of Jesus, who with the Father and the Spirit are One God In Heaven. Amen
Friday, May 4, 2012
Patient in affliction
Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
It's funny how one day time seems to just fly by and the next day it seems to pass ever so slowly.
What's up with that?
At some time in our lives we will find ourselves in the midst of a trial or tribulation that tests our patience. It may even test our resolve or our faith. Life's difficulties can be like that. Just because you are a believer does not give you a get out of jail free card. James 1:2-4 has a wonderful explanation of why there are trials in our lives. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I do not pretend to know or understand why things are the way they are in my life, the lives of my family, or the lives of my friends. To borrow are phrase from my son Andy, "It is what it is." The Apostle Paul in Romans 12:12 reminds us that we need to be "patient in affliction". There is a purpose to all of our lives. Our Father in heaven has a plan and a purpose for each and everyone of us. When we try to hurry through the times of affliction we often miss opportunities to draw in all the lessons the Lord would have us learn. Like a fine wine, we need to age and mature. We need to capture all that we need to take in, to learn, and contemplate. We also need to pray for insight into how we can turn our adversity into something that can be shared. My daughter Kate has a favorite expression "Turn your wounds into wisdom." Each of us has experiences that we carry with us. We can bear those experiences as scars. Or we can take the lessons learned, the wisdom imparted on us through prayer, and share with others who may be in the midst of a tribulation. We share because we care. It is an act of love. This we do not out of an desire to earn salvation. We do this because Christ loved us first. He loved us, suffered the affliction of the cross to save all. He modeled love and we emulate His love when we share the wisdom gained through the pain we endured in our times of trial with others. I personally do not enjoy times of trial and affliction. But the best thing I have learned in my life is to not pray for the affliction to pass quickly. What I have learned is to pray for the wisdom I need to be given through this trial to come quickly. And more importantly, to also pray for the vision to see, with the eyes of Jesus, who I need to reach out to in love to share the wisdom I have gained through my time of affliction. That my friends is the "Be faithful in prayer" element of Romans 12:12. Be patient, and prayerful in our lives so that we may become the mature and complete servants of the Lord we are all asked to be. To God be all the glory in all that we do.
PRAYER: Lord, we all experience times of affliction in our lives. We know that Your love for us is boundless. We know that you have a purpose for each of us. And that the suffering we endure is not meaningless nor cruel. We ask that we be given the faith and patience to endure the trials in our lives. We ask the we be given the wisdom You wish to impart upon us and the insight to share that knowledge with others. Guide us Dear Lord to reach out in love, with Your Love. This we ask in the name of Jesus who with the Father and the Holy Spirit are one God now and forever, Amen.
It's funny how one day time seems to just fly by and the next day it seems to pass ever so slowly.
What's up with that?
At some time in our lives we will find ourselves in the midst of a trial or tribulation that tests our patience. It may even test our resolve or our faith. Life's difficulties can be like that. Just because you are a believer does not give you a get out of jail free card. James 1:2-4 has a wonderful explanation of why there are trials in our lives. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I do not pretend to know or understand why things are the way they are in my life, the lives of my family, or the lives of my friends. To borrow are phrase from my son Andy, "It is what it is." The Apostle Paul in Romans 12:12 reminds us that we need to be "patient in affliction". There is a purpose to all of our lives. Our Father in heaven has a plan and a purpose for each and everyone of us. When we try to hurry through the times of affliction we often miss opportunities to draw in all the lessons the Lord would have us learn. Like a fine wine, we need to age and mature. We need to capture all that we need to take in, to learn, and contemplate. We also need to pray for insight into how we can turn our adversity into something that can be shared. My daughter Kate has a favorite expression "Turn your wounds into wisdom." Each of us has experiences that we carry with us. We can bear those experiences as scars. Or we can take the lessons learned, the wisdom imparted on us through prayer, and share with others who may be in the midst of a tribulation. We share because we care. It is an act of love. This we do not out of an desire to earn salvation. We do this because Christ loved us first. He loved us, suffered the affliction of the cross to save all. He modeled love and we emulate His love when we share the wisdom gained through the pain we endured in our times of trial with others. I personally do not enjoy times of trial and affliction. But the best thing I have learned in my life is to not pray for the affliction to pass quickly. What I have learned is to pray for the wisdom I need to be given through this trial to come quickly. And more importantly, to also pray for the vision to see, with the eyes of Jesus, who I need to reach out to in love to share the wisdom I have gained through my time of affliction. That my friends is the "Be faithful in prayer" element of Romans 12:12. Be patient, and prayerful in our lives so that we may become the mature and complete servants of the Lord we are all asked to be. To God be all the glory in all that we do.
PRAYER: Lord, we all experience times of affliction in our lives. We know that Your love for us is boundless. We know that you have a purpose for each of us. And that the suffering we endure is not meaningless nor cruel. We ask that we be given the faith and patience to endure the trials in our lives. We ask the we be given the wisdom You wish to impart upon us and the insight to share that knowledge with others. Guide us Dear Lord to reach out in love, with Your Love. This we ask in the name of Jesus who with the Father and the Holy Spirit are one God now and forever, Amen.
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