This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let us make three tents

Mark 9:5 And Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

Stepping outside my comfort zone is not my favorite activity. I am a person who enjoys staying inside my comfort zone. I also have to admit that when I am pushed outside of my comfort zone, I have experienced some of the most awesome growth opportunities, spiritual and emotional. How about you? Do you enjoy being pushed outside your comfort zone?

Peter, in Mark 9:5, seizes upon the opportunity to suggest that He, James, John build three tents so that Jesus, Moses, and Elijah will have a nice cozy place to hang out and stay. Peter jumps up and tries to offer up a solution to a problem that did not exist. But in his haste, he gives you and I an opportunity to examine our own motivation. Peter’s desire to build the tents essentially points towards a human characteristic that drives each of us to be comfortable, sheltered, fed, and protected. Peter was in a very, very comfortable position. He was in the presence of three very significant spiritual beings. He wanted to stay right there in that comfort zone. Can you blame him? All to often we are happy to stay inside the tent of our own comfort zone.

How many times are we asked to step outside of our own comfort zone when we follow Christ?  The asking may be in order to reach out to someone who is a stranger to us. It may be that we are asked to reach out to someone who is hurting or in need. The asking may be so that we can grow individually or as a congregation. In each and every instance that we are asked to step outside of our comfort zone we must remember that we are not alone. We can find comfort in knowing that when we are asked to step out of that comfort zone that Jesus is right there with us.  Have you ever stopped to think what it was like for Jesus to step outside His comfort zone to be crucified? He was tempted to put himself first just as you and I are tempted to put ourselves first. Yet, Jesus chose to follow the will of His Father. When we step outside of our comfort zone for Christ, He stands by our side. We can take comfort in the words from Matthew 28:20 “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” These are not hollow words, rather they are words filled with commitment, with strength and courage. These are words to inspire you and I to do more and be more than we are because Jesus is with us always. We have the promise of Christ that He is with us. And with the help of God, we will be able to accomplish all that God would have us accomplish.

PRAYER: Almighty God, we love to stay in that place of comfort. We do not readily seek to step out and do more and be more than we are comfortable with being and doing. Help us to overcome our self-absorption. Help us to see beyond ourselves with Your Eyes. Give us Your eyes to see. Give us Your ears to hear. Give us Your heart for people so that we can be Your hands. Bless us Lord with the faith, strength and courage to go beyond what we would do. Help us to do what You would have us do. This we ask in the strong name of Jesus, who with the Father and the Spirit are One now and forever, Amen.

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