Exodus 34:32-33 Afterward all the people of Israel came
near, and he commanded them all that the Lord had spoken with him in Mount
Sinai. And when Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his
The veil Moses used to cover his face was one that altered
his appearance so it would not be so alarming to others. His face, shining from
talking to God, alarmed others. We can
be tempted to also wear a veil to cover our own face, which may shine from
talking to God. And while our physical appearance may not change like Moses’
face did, we are changed nonetheless. And this can be concerning to others. The
mere fact that we are a follower of Jesus Christ can cause others to reject us.
We are different from them. We do not fit the mold of the modern world-view. We
are perceived as standing for what is considered antiquated and out of place in
the “enlightened society” we live in today. And there can be a big temptation
to try to fit in. Please don’t try to fit in. Please remember that you and I are
in fact different. Different is not bad, it is just not the same as others. Our
faith is important. Jesus is important. And maintaining our faith in the face
of others who ask us to abandon our faith requires asking for more faith. And
this we all do in prayer. We ask for faith to stand up and be heard when others
around us tell us to sit down and be quiet. We ask for faith to have the
courage to reach out to others who do not have faith in Jesus Christ. We ask
for faith to share the love of Christ with those who may think they do not need
that love, or think they do not deserve that love. Brothers and Sister in the
Risen Savior, please do not put a veil over your faith. Others need to see the
real you. Let the love of Christ radiate brightly from you to all who would
gaze upon your face.
Your love reaches out to all. Your Son, our Savior, offers all who would come
the freedom over death that awaits all sinners. And all have sinned, not one is
worthy except through Jesus Christ. Father, help us to share that news with a
world that tells us to hide our faith. Help us to stand up and be heard when
the world would have us sit down and be quiet. Pour out Your Spirit upon us
today and everyday. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
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