Isaiah 11:1 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.
Have you ever tried to dig in a yard where there are trees? It seems no matter where you try to dig; those roots are making for difficult shoveling. They are pervasive and something of a nuisance. But for the tree they feed, they are essential to life.
Tree stumps are interesting to look at and to contemplate over. When you venture out into a National Forest that has experienced tree harvesting it can appear to have been devastated. Instead of a lush green forest, there appears a field of stumps. Depending on the type of trees harvested, the stumps may be bare or they may, in time, have shoots growing out of the stumps. The roots of the tree stump continue to provide nourishment to the shoots. It is as if the tree is refusing to yield to the death sentence imposed upon it by the tree cutter. Life springs where death once stood. How fitting of an analogy for the life of Jesus Christ. His death on the cross seemed to bring to an end the problem he posed for the authorities of that time. The tree had been cut down. And yet we know that was not the case. For life was not to be denied. He rose again in glory. He had strong roots. His roots reached all the way to His Father and they were well nourished. The tree we know as Jesus Christ was restored.
And what of us? Is there a lesson for us in the analogy of the tree stump? We are often tossed about by the winds of our life. The turmoil of everyday living will seek to cut us down or rip us out of the ground. But through the roots we put down we can be saved. So, you ask, how do I put down strong roots? Just as with real life trees, water is essential. Water that, which we call the living water of Christ, is the essential element. The water of Baptism with the Word is what we yearn for. It keeps us alive. And we our roots must also be nourished by staying close to the Word of God. We are fed daily by study, reflection, and prayer. We share our lives, our passion and love for Christ with others so that they too will put down good strong roots. And when our life here on earth is done, new shoots may spring up from the stump we leave behind in the form of family, friends, and those we do not even know who are given the opportunity to learn of Christ because we did not let our love for Christ die with us. Friends, may your roots be strong, and the shoots from your stump be numerous in Christ our Lord.
PRAYER: Most Merciful God, we depend totally on You for our lives, the lives of our family, our friends, and our church. The living water of Jesus sustains us. Your Word nourishes us. Keep us close Father to You at all times. We ask this in the name of the one we call the shoot from the stump of Jesse – Christ Jesus. Amen
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