This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Light Is Among You

John 12:35-36 so Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of the light.”

When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them.
Have you ever been in the dark about something.  It is that state which can politely be called “without knowledge.” Or more crassly it is known as being ignorant of a situation. As parents, we can be in this position. As a Father and husband I seem to be in the dark a lot.

“The one who walks in the dark does not know where he is going.” These words from Jesus give us a glimpse into more than just stumbling around in a dark room stubbing your toes on objects hidden by the darkness. It obvious meaning, to those who understand what was really meant, is if you do not know Jesus then you are in the dark and you are lost. Believers know that Christ is the light we must follow. He illuminates our path, and guides us on this path. His caution to the listeners at the time was his time left among them was drawing to a close. And that they should draw near while they had the opportunity. If they did not, they risked being lost when the coming darkness overtook them. He had preached on the great tragedy that would befall the Jerusalem and his desire was for the body of believers to not be caught up in the tragedy. But, what about us today?  Does this same message still apply? I have to say most definitely yes! When we are in community with Christ as believers through worship, study, and prayer we have the light with us to guide us, protect us, and sustain us. When we walk in the light, we are in unity with Christ. When we step outside the light we can quickly become lost in the world full of distractions, diversions, and temptations. The sinful world beckons to us all the time. It has the call of a Siren’s song that will lead many to run aground on the shoals of sin, death and despair. But we have a beacon in the night that guides away from the perilous rocks and shallows. Death happens for those who run aground. Life happens, life eternal happens for those who walk in the light.  And staying in the light is what it is all about. While we live in the light, we believe in the light and are sons and daughters of the light.

PRAYER: Lord and Giver of Life and Light, keep us firmly in Your light. Light our path lest we fall into darkness. Guide us in your truth, that we would be set apart and holy. Our desire O God is to walk in the light of Your Son, our Savior. Keep us firmly planted on that path and in Your love. This we ask in the name of the light who was with us and stays with us through our lives, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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