John 12:44-46 And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. And whoever see me sees him who sent me. I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.”
My life is so much easier since purchasing the GPS for the car. It makes going to places I am not familiar with so much easier. I can punch in the address and just follow the directions. If there is a detour I can reroute around it. And if I take the wrong turn it will let me know I have done so by politely saying “recalculating”.
There are times in life where having a voice to let us know we have strayed off the path. The “recalculating” voice would be very nice.
There is much uncertainty in how we go about our everyday lives. For example, should I take another job. This is a good example where we may worry about it being the right thing to do career wise, or for our families, or any number of other considerations. In our professional lives sometimes we have a mentor to go to that can provide us with the advice we need to make an informed decision. We may have the blessing of parents to go to for advice on what to do in a certain situation. Failing that, we may have trusted friends we can use as a sounding board for our ideas. There is also one source of guidance that is instantly available to us. Using prayer we can go to the Lord. The words of our Lord from John 14:12-13 gives us direction and comfort. Jesus is going to the Father and whatever we ask in His name He will do. We have our GPS, and we have the Spirit as our comforter. We have all the tools to stay on track. But we have to use them. But I would offer a word of caution. And it revolves around how often prayer is used, and when it is used. Are you in the habit of following the philosophy of when all else fails, then pray? I have to admit I am guilty of that one too often. Or are you infrequent in your prayer? Life can divert our attention from having time to pray if we do not make it a priority in life. Some of us try to establish a routine that helps keep us on track with prayer. But what happens when there is a break in the routine? It can throw a person off track. We use prayer to seek our God on a personal level. We do so frequently so that we establish a relationship and dialogue with the Father. We do this often so that we can discern to voice of the Lord over the clamor of the world around us. That world that would seek to distract us, drive us off the path Christ would have us follow. We keep in prayer to drive out the darkness of this world that would surround us and keep us in a perpetual state of confusion and turmoil. We see the Father through Jesus just as he promised. We reach out to Him in the name of Jesus. In closing, let me ask you this one question. Have you heard the “recalculating” voice in your prayers lately?