This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who put no confidence in the flesh--

Philippians 3:3 For it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh—

It seems just yesterday that we finished the Halloween trick-or-treat ritual. It is always fun to go to the door and see the kids wearing their costumes. We have the opportunity to see miniature version of cartoon and comic book super heroes, or a traditional ghost, a skeleton, or maybe even a witch. Regardless of how much careful pre-planning we do at our house, we end up with lots of candy left over. In my mind it is better to have extra candy than to run out too early in the evening. Well, that’s my story and I am sticking to it.

Halloween reminds me of many things. There are childhood memories of running all over a small town in Michigan trick-or-treating. There are adult memories of taking my kids trick-or-treating in Pocatello.  There is another aspect of Halloween memories that comes to mind. It is the remarkable similarity between the costumes people wear and the Christian walk of some folks.  It is like they put on the costume of a Christian on Sunday and then go right home after church and hang it up in the closet never to look at it until the next Sunday they go to church.  It is a shallow walk, and a dangerous path too. They can be deceiving and deceptive in their actions while the Christian costume is hanging in the closet. Beware O believer.

Stop and think for a minute. How many people do you know that have that very same walk? The walk of a costumed Christian.  When churches look at what constitutes a fully devoted follower of Christ, and active member if you will, they usually identify at least three characteristics.  One is a regular attendance at worship services. By regular attendance that means more than two weeks in a month.  Two is participating in fellowship event like a small group or bible study group.  This is where they share their love and devotion to Jesus with others in a comfortable setting. Third would be actively involved as a volunteer in church activities.  This type of person cannot just put the costume on for Sunday, they are fully dressed all the time. And it is not a costume, it is the armor of Christ. This is what they wear into the battle against all the other forces arrayed around them seeking to distract their focus from Jesus.  When you see these people you see a true warrior for Christ, not a costume wearing wanna be.  Be very careful of the wanna bee’s. The path they chose to follow is not the path you should be on. Give it some thought. If you are going to talk the talk you better walk the walk.  Faith without love is an empty faith.

PRAYER:  Lord of all creation, there are many among us who talk a good faith. Help us as we move forward in our faith walk to not take that path. Guide in Your path. Light the way for us, lest we stray off that path and become lost.  And help us to reach out to those who do not walk the true path. Give us the words, Your words, to reach out in love. Let Your Spirit fill us with the faith to survive against the ploys of the evil one. We ask this in the name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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