Philippians 2:29 Welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor men like him,
I come from a fairly large family. Four boys and one girl. My sister is the middle child so she had two brothers to contend with as the youngest and two brothers to torment as the older child. Seems fair to me, but then I guess you would have to ask John & Greg how they feel ;-)
We have a tradition at Grace Lutheran Pocatello called First Sunday of the Month Brunch. it is part of our Connecting Ministries program. A member of the congregation opens their house to new attenders & visitors to stop by after the 11:00 service concludes for brunch. It is an opportunity for them to meet a Pastor, School & Church leaders, and other new attenders and visitors. This is one of my favorite ministries at Grace. There is good food, good people, good congregation, and we talk about a common love for Jesus. We welcome him (and her) in the Lord with great joy. We welcome those who join us as brothers and sisters in Christ. Our family grows with this gathering. And we share the love poured out for us on the cross with others. It is my favorite ministry because we satisfy so many basic needs at once. Good food, comfortable surroundings, fellowship, conversation, and Jesus. We never quite know how many will show up. One time it was 8 people. Another we hosted about 28 when two very large families joined us. We have our next opportunity to serve in this ministry on Sunday. I pray for guidance in how much to cook. And I remain confident that there will be enough because the Lord provides for this meal. He watches over us just as he was there for feeding the 5,000. Fishes and loaves are not on the menu, but chili and cornbread with Pumpkin dessert are. We will pray, we will talk, and we will welcome all in the Lord with great jo
Does your church do something like this? As the old commercial goes "try it, you'll like it!"
PRAYER: Almighty and everlasting God. We thank You for the gift of friends old and new and those we have not met. We thank You for the blessings of fellowship that gives those who serve opportunities to serve, and their guests to opportunity to be served. We ask that our conversation be salted with Your words. We ask for Your Spirit to be poured out in full measure on all who gather together in fellowship events where ever they occur. We thank You for the love Your Son showed all mankind and ask that our hearts be for those who are seeking Him. This we ask in the name of Jesus who with the Father and the Holy Spirit reign. One God, now and forever. Amen.
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