This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Lost Son (or Daughter)

Luke 15:10In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

I suppose to many of us it would seem like an un-extraordinary thing when someone new decides to come to church on Sunday. There could be any number of reasons why a person would just up and decide to walk in the door of a church. It may have been a friend or relative who had some influence on their decision. There may have been a Spiritual urging that pushed them out the door of their house into the door of a church. Or perhaps it may have been as simple as the realization what they were doing in their life was not working. Regardless of the cause or reason, there they stand. They are embarking on a new adventure. It can be an adventure that will profoundly change who they are and what they are. It can be an opportunity to start their life anew. For some it is a step of faith they chose to take. For others it is a step taken out of desperation. To you and I the cause or reason does not matter. What is of utmost importance is how they are received.

I have to confess, I have been to a few wild parties. Bachelor parties, toga parties, New Years Eve parties, on-the-beach in Daytona parties, etc. All part of what some would call a ‘misspent youth’. Still, I cannot imagine the joy and the celebration described in Luke 15:10. “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."  Have you stopped to think what it would be like? I suspect it would boggle our simple human minds. And I suspect it would have no equal to what exists here on earth. Do you think there is one quick party or a continuous celebration?  By that I mean when a person decides to change their life it could be like what we read of the prodigal son in Luke 15:24 ‘For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate. And yet we know that each of us is sinful by nature and constantly tempted by sin. We try of our own accord to repent and often fail. We simply do not have within us the ability to standalone. And as believers we know we are not alone in our battle. Our Father in Heaven is there with us always. The Holy Spirit pours faith into our hearts to endure the constant struggle. And Jesus, our Savior has paved the way to forgiveness by His sacrifice. This news is what we share with the person who has walked into the church. There is a party in heaven, and it is a constant party because the lost is found, the sinner has repented. Joy to the World! Let’s all make welcome any who chose to visit our church during Advent, Christmas and any other day of the year. Help the lost to feel welcome into the house with many rooms that our Father has prepared.

PRAYER: Lord we often forget what it is like to step away from our old lives and embrace life with You. Help us every day to remember that joy. Help us to share that joy with others who are taking that same brave step. Help us to remember to share the joy of the Angels with the sinner who repents. We ask this humbly in Jesus name, Amen.

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