This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day Two

Ephesians 5: 8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

It is day two of Andy;s court martial trial. Yesterday was the day for Andy to stand up and take responsibility for his action. Today is the day for the judge to sentence Andy to that which he took responsibility for. I will be called to the stand to testify on behalf of my son. Lord, give me words to speak!

Our past can be like a boat anchor to our future. If we let the past remain in the present, it will truly prevent us from setting sail and moving forward. Ephesians 5:8 gives us what we need for inspiration. We walked in darkness, were darkness. But that is the past, This is now. John 8:12 reminds us with the words of Jesus "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but with have the light of life." We are forever changed in Christ, The old self is cast off and the renewed self is there. Much as a caterpillar goes through the life changing process to be formed into a butterfly, we too are changed. There is a passage in Isaiah 9 that points directly towards Jesus and how we who of followers of the risen Savior are forever changed. Verse 2 reads The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined. I can think of no more apt description of the situation that Andy, my son, walked in while deployed to Afghanistan. But he now walks in the light. He knows his sins are forgiven by a loving God. He knows that there is a plan for him. He knows that it is up to him to move forward in his life walking in the light of. In closing we all can take a lesson from Psalm 119:105 in regards to how to stay in the light. Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. Stay in the light, stay on the path and move forward.

PRAYER: Abba, Father. Give me the words to speak that will make a difference. Let Your words flow from my mouth today, and everyday. Let Your Spirit fill me with Your love and let that love flow out in all that I say each and everyday of my life. To You O God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be all the glory now and forever more. Amen

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