This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Word Became Flesh

Matthew 1:23  "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,  and they shall call his name  Immanuel" (which means, God  with us).

Integrity is a very valuable character trait in those we call friends. In an era where the unveiling of ponzi schemes is an all too frequent occurrence we desperately look for something we can always count on. A rock, a refuge from a storm. I find comfort in the words of Psalm 40:4  Blessed is the man who  makes  the  Lord  his trust,  who does not turn to the proud,  to those who  go astray after a lie!

The fulfillment of scripture in Jesus Christ is an importance aspect of our relationship with God our Father. We are human, prone to failure, and in need of assurance of God's love for us. This is a profound human frailty that cannot be shaken without faith delivered by the Holy Spirit. We constantly look back to see if God is there with us. Just as a child looks frequently to see if dad or mom is near by. There were times when my children would jump up in the chair with me and just want a hug or walk through a store or the mall holding my hand. It was reassuring for them to know that I was right there with them. It was comforting for them, and for me to know we were together.  It was a time when we knew we were close and that the a promise of being right there was fulfilled.  This is similar in nature to how the promise of god, given in no less than 47 Messianic Prophesies was fulfilled with the birth of Jesus. The manner of birth, so humble in nature, was described and accomplished. A death most terrible was laid out, and fulfilled on the cross. All this is very fortunate for us, the recipients of the Grace of God. And there is an important lesson for us here.  God will keep his promise to us. We will live life here on earth. there will be times of great joy, couples with times of trial and tribulation. And at each and every turn He will be there with us. He will be constantly by our side up to the very end. And then for all believers, we will be at His side. It is a solemn promise more reassuring than anything we could possibly hear utter by anyone on this planet. God has, and will always keep His word. On that promise you can place all your hope and trust.

PRAYER: Father, like a child we look to You for our future. We are frail and in need of Your comfort and peace. Your Word is more precious to us than gold and silver. Our fortunes come and go, but You are the one constant in our lives. You promised that Your Son would be given to us, and Your Word was blessedly fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Your Grace and Mercy are what we grasp for our retirement plan O God. For this we give thanks in the name of Your Son, Your promise fulfilled, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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