Matthew 1:23 "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, God with us).
Integrity is a very valuable character trait in those we call friends. In an era where the unveiling of ponzi schemes is an all too frequent occurrence we desperately look for something we can always count on. A rock, a refuge from a storm. I find comfort in the words of Psalm 40:4 Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie!
The fulfillment of scripture in Jesus Christ is an importance aspect of our relationship with God our Father. We are human, prone to failure, and in need of assurance of God's love for us. This is a profound human frailty that cannot be shaken without faith delivered by the Holy Spirit. We constantly look back to see if God is there with us. Just as a child looks frequently to see if dad or mom is near by. There were times when my children would jump up in the chair with me and just want a hug or walk through a store or the mall holding my hand. It was reassuring for them to know that I was right there with them. It was comforting for them, and for me to know we were together. It was a time when we knew we were close and that the a promise of being right there was fulfilled. This is similar in nature to how the promise of god, given in no less than 47 Messianic Prophesies was fulfilled with the birth of Jesus. The manner of birth, so humble in nature, was described and accomplished. A death most terrible was laid out, and fulfilled on the cross. All this is very fortunate for us, the recipients of the Grace of God. And there is an important lesson for us here. God will keep his promise to us. We will live life here on earth. there will be times of great joy, couples with times of trial and tribulation. And at each and every turn He will be there with us. He will be constantly by our side up to the very end. And then for all believers, we will be at His side. It is a solemn promise more reassuring than anything we could possibly hear utter by anyone on this planet. God has, and will always keep His word. On that promise you can place all your hope and trust.
PRAYER: Father, like a child we look to You for our future. We are frail and in need of Your comfort and peace. Your Word is more precious to us than gold and silver. Our fortunes come and go, but You are the one constant in our lives. You promised that Your Son would be given to us, and Your Word was blessedly fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Your Grace and Mercy are what we grasp for our retirement plan O God. For this we give thanks in the name of Your Son, Your promise fulfilled, Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Underway Devotionals is a Christian blog. Underway is a nautical term used for when a vessel has left the safety of the dock or anchorage. For believers, it describes our being out in the world holding onto and sharing our faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us - "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." To God be all the glory in all that we do!
This Is Where Everything Changed

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Word Became Flesh
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
One of the biggest challenges I have experienced over the years is finding the right bible study software package to meet my needs. The complicating factors in this are my computing needs have changed and my information needs have evolved. I liken it to starting out with a tricycle as a youth and now driving a car (albeit what I drive now is called by some a "Grandma's Car.)
Switching from PC to Mac was my latest effort to complicate things. The old software tools are not compatible with the Mac, so the search began anew. It was further complicated by a relatively recent change from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to the English Standard Version translation of the bible. My old NIV study bible on PC is now available to be donated to someone in need of a good NIV study bible on disk. Let me know if you are that person, as it is first-come-first-served. The research for what package to chose involved lots of time on the web. And one factor different from your typical software shopping adventure, there was a good deal of prayer. What package is out there that the Lord would like me to start with? Again, it is an evolutionary step that I am taking, not leap to the end of a journey. The tools needed allow for reading and study of the Word. But also the ability to grow deeper in my understanding using the tools available is another necessity for whatever I chosen. And my learning style embraces the use of video, pictures, commentaries and the like. Not a simple choice. The price range is quite dramatic. Several low end packages that did not meet my needs were in the <$20 range. One very intriguing package was $50. And then the really high end stuff which starts at a couple of hundred dollars and goes up to >$1,000. The high end package are filled with features that at some point I may understand the need for and ultimately embrace the purchase of. But for right now, I have found something that works for me. I decided on Glo Premium ( I am not affiliated with the company, have no financial gain from advertising for the company. I just like what it offers. It is available for multi-platforms.
You may ask why all the fuss about a bible software package. It goes back to the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word is Jesus. In John 1 that is the big message. Jesus was with God the Father at the beginning of time. He is God. He is a part of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The importance of that message can be lost to many if their reading is shallow or their sources incomplete. That is the benefit of the study bibles. It can help to reveal what is really going on in scripture. It opens up the links, the back story, and reveals in vivid detail what the real meaning of each verse holds. The extensive research needed is beyond my humble capabilities. And that is why I rely on really good tools. These tools help me to understand and be better equipped to share with others.
When each of us sets out to dive deeper into God's Word, we also encounter the same fundamental choices. How will God speak to me so that I can understand what He has to say. Hard copy or electronic does not matter. What matters is beginning and staying committed.
PRAYER: Thank You for Your Word. Amen
One of the biggest challenges I have experienced over the years is finding the right bible study software package to meet my needs. The complicating factors in this are my computing needs have changed and my information needs have evolved. I liken it to starting out with a tricycle as a youth and now driving a car (albeit what I drive now is called by some a "Grandma's Car.)
Switching from PC to Mac was my latest effort to complicate things. The old software tools are not compatible with the Mac, so the search began anew. It was further complicated by a relatively recent change from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to the English Standard Version translation of the bible. My old NIV study bible on PC is now available to be donated to someone in need of a good NIV study bible on disk. Let me know if you are that person, as it is first-come-first-served. The research for what package to chose involved lots of time on the web. And one factor different from your typical software shopping adventure, there was a good deal of prayer. What package is out there that the Lord would like me to start with? Again, it is an evolutionary step that I am taking, not leap to the end of a journey. The tools needed allow for reading and study of the Word. But also the ability to grow deeper in my understanding using the tools available is another necessity for whatever I chosen. And my learning style embraces the use of video, pictures, commentaries and the like. Not a simple choice. The price range is quite dramatic. Several low end packages that did not meet my needs were in the <$20 range. One very intriguing package was $50. And then the really high end stuff which starts at a couple of hundred dollars and goes up to >$1,000. The high end package are filled with features that at some point I may understand the need for and ultimately embrace the purchase of. But for right now, I have found something that works for me. I decided on Glo Premium ( I am not affiliated with the company, have no financial gain from advertising for the company. I just like what it offers. It is available for multi-platforms.
You may ask why all the fuss about a bible software package. It goes back to the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word is Jesus. In John 1 that is the big message. Jesus was with God the Father at the beginning of time. He is God. He is a part of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The importance of that message can be lost to many if their reading is shallow or their sources incomplete. That is the benefit of the study bibles. It can help to reveal what is really going on in scripture. It opens up the links, the back story, and reveals in vivid detail what the real meaning of each verse holds. The extensive research needed is beyond my humble capabilities. And that is why I rely on really good tools. These tools help me to understand and be better equipped to share with others.
When each of us sets out to dive deeper into God's Word, we also encounter the same fundamental choices. How will God speak to me so that I can understand what He has to say. Hard copy or electronic does not matter. What matters is beginning and staying committed.
PRAYER: Thank You for Your Word. Amen
Saturday, August 6, 2011
My Example Is He
1 Thessalonians 1:4-7 For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake. And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia.
There are several learning style that appeal to people depending upon the situation and their internal "wiring". There is the sheer memorization approach (also know as read, remember, regurgitate.) Your really do not have to understand what was there, just repeat it back. Then there is the emulation approach, which is a more interactive style than the first one (also know as monkey see, monkey do.) and then there is the true learning style that involves comprehension. You are exposed to the materials, you may have an opportunity to have it reinforced through practice under the tutelage of a mentor, and then you are able to go forth with your knowledge and contribute in a meaningful and skilled manner. Each of these styles appeals to all of us at different times in our lives.
This verse in the Casting Crowns song "Glorious Day" sets to words what many strive to do in their lives. Some strive because they feel their actions earn their salvation. Others strive because they know they are saved through Christ's death and resurrection alone. The last is the correct answer of course. but when we emulate Jesus because it is the right thing to do, what actions are we undertaking. Well, here are a few of the attributes we take on in our lives when we emulate Jesus.
- Love God
- Worship God
- Pray to God
- Serve God
- Share The Love Of God With Others
- Teach Others Of The Love God Has For Them
- Bear Our Own Cross, Just As Christ Did
Each of these attributes of part of a whole lifestyle that in summary make us the life of a Christian. If you are like me, there are days in my life where remembering to do more than one of these can be difficult. But the thing is this. We can all become better at being Christians by reading (the first learning approach described above) the emulating (monkey see, monkey do) and finally accepting Christ as our mentor to get to the next level in our Christian lifestyle endeavors. It is not an easy task. In truth it is a very difficult task because we rebel against this by nature. We are sinful and selfish which is diametrically opposed to the lifestyle of Christ. It requires constant vigilance and accountability.. But the one thing in our favor is that we are not alone in our efforts. In addition to the many brothers and sisters in Jesus we have in our lives, we are blessed by faith through the Holy Spirit. For if we set out to accomplish all this on our own, we are doomed to failure. Yet when we actively seek the help of God our Father we can be comforted in knowing we will be given the help we need to reach our goal. We can be encouraged by the knowledge that reaching our goal of salvation has already been assured. We are along on the journey to learn, experience, and enjoy. It is like taking the question out of the mind of a runner in a marathon of will they finish or not? The answer is, yes you will finish. And along the way we inspire others just as Jesus has inspired us. That my friends we are doing what we are doing, to bring others along with us to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
PRAYER: Lord we strive t better people. We strive to learn and do. We know we are saved, but we struggle against ourselves, and the world we live in to overcome our own self established barriers. At times these walls we construct seem insurmountable. We despair at our failure to get over the wall. Help us Father to see beyond the wall. Guide us in our efforts, strengthen our resolve. Give us the faith through Your Holy Spirit to do what we need to do. Help us to share Your love with all we encounter so that heaven may be filled with souls. This we ask in the name our Your Son, our Savior. Our example is He. Amen
There are several learning style that appeal to people depending upon the situation and their internal "wiring". There is the sheer memorization approach (also know as read, remember, regurgitate.) Your really do not have to understand what was there, just repeat it back. Then there is the emulation approach, which is a more interactive style than the first one (also know as monkey see, monkey do.) and then there is the true learning style that involves comprehension. You are exposed to the materials, you may have an opportunity to have it reinforced through practice under the tutelage of a mentor, and then you are able to go forth with your knowledge and contribute in a meaningful and skilled manner. Each of these styles appeals to all of us at different times in our lives.
This verse in the Casting Crowns song "Glorious Day" sets to words what many strive to do in their lives. Some strive because they feel their actions earn their salvation. Others strive because they know they are saved through Christ's death and resurrection alone. The last is the correct answer of course. but when we emulate Jesus because it is the right thing to do, what actions are we undertaking. Well, here are a few of the attributes we take on in our lives when we emulate Jesus.
- Love God
- Worship God
- Pray to God
- Serve God
- Share The Love Of God With Others
- Teach Others Of The Love God Has For Them
- Bear Our Own Cross, Just As Christ Did
Each of these attributes of part of a whole lifestyle that in summary make us the life of a Christian. If you are like me, there are days in my life where remembering to do more than one of these can be difficult. But the thing is this. We can all become better at being Christians by reading (the first learning approach described above) the emulating (monkey see, monkey do) and finally accepting Christ as our mentor to get to the next level in our Christian lifestyle endeavors. It is not an easy task. In truth it is a very difficult task because we rebel against this by nature. We are sinful and selfish which is diametrically opposed to the lifestyle of Christ. It requires constant vigilance and accountability.. But the one thing in our favor is that we are not alone in our efforts. In addition to the many brothers and sisters in Jesus we have in our lives, we are blessed by faith through the Holy Spirit. For if we set out to accomplish all this on our own, we are doomed to failure. Yet when we actively seek the help of God our Father we can be comforted in knowing we will be given the help we need to reach our goal. We can be encouraged by the knowledge that reaching our goal of salvation has already been assured. We are along on the journey to learn, experience, and enjoy. It is like taking the question out of the mind of a runner in a marathon of will they finish or not? The answer is, yes you will finish. And along the way we inspire others just as Jesus has inspired us. That my friends we are doing what we are doing, to bring others along with us to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
PRAYER: Lord we strive t better people. We strive to learn and do. We know we are saved, but we struggle against ourselves, and the world we live in to overcome our own self established barriers. At times these walls we construct seem insurmountable. We despair at our failure to get over the wall. Help us Father to see beyond the wall. Guide us in our efforts, strengthen our resolve. Give us the faith through Your Holy Spirit to do what we need to do. Help us to share Your love with all we encounter so that heaven may be filled with souls. This we ask in the name our Your Son, our Savior. Our example is He. Amen
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