This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

One Day When Sin Was As Black As Could Be

1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.

Having kids is an enlightening experience. Their minds seems to work in a manner that is delightful, and frustrating all at once. They go from accepting no as all that is needed to deter undesired behavior to something that defies all logic. Often times telling them to do something is the only way to trigger the response of never doing that which you told them to do. Arrgghhh!

In the next verse of the song Glorious Day, by Casting Crowns, we look at “One day when sin was a black as could be.”  When I give this some thought it always drives me back to the original sin which took place in the Garden of Eden.  Everything was open to Adam and Eve, but the fruit of the forbidden tree. And that is what they ate. The serpent had certainly been a persuasive salesman. And with his success, there was the ultimate failure for all mankind. Our embedded weakness was brought forth in all its’ glory. Were are prone to sin. The blessing of free will is also the curse of being able to chose what is wrong.  What I find interesting from the line in the song above is that sin was always as black as could be. It was, and always will be, against the good and pleasing will of God. It goes contrary to the commandments given to us by God our Father. And yet, we do it anyway.  The Apostle Paul struggled with this. The weakness of the flesh is how he put it. But what do you suppose was going on at the time in history when Christ was born that would lead one to believe it was perfect timing and God saw the need for a Savior? And what differentiated that moment in history versus any other moment before or since?  These are questions left for God to answer when we have the chance to ask Him face to face. We rely on God’s perfect timing in our lives at all times to give us what we need exactly when we need it. Rain, sunshine, feast, famine, triumph, and tragedy arrive at the right time for God to achieve his will and purpose in our lives. We embrace Baptism, Holy Communion, Confession and Absolution, and daily prayer in our lives because we know we are sinful and need forgiveness. We can try harder to not sin, and ultimately we will fail on our own. We truly need a Savior. Without Jesus we are lost in our sin. Without Jesus we are condemned to an eternity in hell. And in Paul’s words “Thank God for Jesus Christ.” Sin may be black as could be. And we are forgiven by a loving God - our Father in Heaven. The light of Christ has pierced by blackness of sin. Death no longer has a sting for those living in Christ. And for that, we can be eternally grateful.

PRAYER: Almighty and everlasting God, we poor sinners are eternally grateful for the sacrifice of Your precious Son Jesus Christ. Without Jesus, we are lost forever. His sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection give us the hope we desperately need. No longer does death have sway. The sting of death and sin is lost on the cross. For that Dear Lord we can never say thank you enough. Please accept our humble prayer and heartfelt worship O God as our thanks. This we ask in the strong name of Jesus, who with the Father and the Spirit are one God now and forever. Amen

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