This Is Where Everything Changed

This Is Where Everything Changed

Thursday, December 16, 2010

That Will Be For All People.

Luke 2:9&10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

If you were to ask me what kind of people do we embrace as members at Grace Lutheran Pocatello? Well, my answer would have to be SINNERS.  We embrace sinners.  We do not handle perfect people very well.  But give us a sinner, and watch us bond with that person.  You see, a sinner is just like the rest of us at Grace.  We are broken, sinful by nature, and in desperate need of a savior.  Fortunately we know of just the savior we all need (Jesus).  Perfect people do not need a savior.  At least they do not think they need one.  But like the rest of us (Christians) who already know better, they will eventually come to the realization that they really do need a savior.  My prayer is they will come to the realization before it is too late.

Have you ever, in your entire life, run into a Christian who does not believe that what they have isn’t for everyone?  By that I mean that the grace which has been poured out on them by God is not for everyone.  It seems silly to me, but I suppose that could be the case for some folks.  What some folks have as Christians can’t be shared with others is an oxymoron (or just plain moronic.)  It flies in the face of everything that we are taught as Christians. My favorite (if you haven’t guessed by now) is the Great Commission found in Matthew 28 beginning at verse 16.  I love this part of the bible. It is simple, clear, and direct.  “Go and make disciples of all nations” leaves no room for interpretation in my black and white brain.  We are not told make disciples of some people that are a group we like. We are not given a list of people to exclude. No brothers and sisters in Christ we have an inclusive mission.  So when we look at who should be included it boils down to everyone.  We are to reach out to all.  We are to embrace all.  And we are to share the love of God with all.  Does that mean we have to have every single possible ministry at our church?  It does not. But what it does mean is we need to be knowledgeable, and in fellowship with others so that as the body of Christ here on earth, we can meet the needs of all.  Knowing what we do best, knowing our core competencies if you will, is important.  By the same token, knowing what we are not good at is also just as important.  A church needs to prayerfully consider what to do and what not to do in ministry.  This is important so that the efforts can bear fruit and not die on the vine.  The same holds true for us as individuals.  We need to know what we are good at. We need to know what our spiritual gifts are and how they can be used to the greatest advantage.  We are all servants of God.  Not just now in Advent, but throughout the whole year.  We each have a group of people in our lives who do not know the love of God or that they need a savior.  This is our target audience. This is the group we need to focus on. We need to reach out to the many in the best way we know how. And if what they need to help them is not in our box of tools we call ministries, we need to be smart enough to say we do not have it, but we will help them find it.  We do this because we care. We do this because Jesus died on the cross for all people, and not just for a select few.  Let the words of the angel ring in our hearts all year long that the great joy will be for all people.

PRAYER:   Father our prayer today is simple. Show us Your ways O Lord. Teach us Your will O God. We ask this in the name of Your Son, our Good News, Jesus Christ. Amen

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