It is God who works in you....
Philippians 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."
Have you given any thought to what motivates you? Have you ever just stopped what you were doing and asked yourself "Self, why am I doing this?" As I get older, I can leave one room, walk into another room and forget why I went there. It's not the same as asking yourself why.

It is humbling to find out that we alone do not focus our efforts in serving the Lord. It can also be disconcerting. Looking at this verse gave me pause, about two days worth, to kick it around in my head and to pray over it. Why do I do what I do in service to the Lord? It is not just a matter of having faith in God, from God himself. It is being driven by God himself to "act according to his good purpose." It means I have a purpose in life. It is not just a matter of doing what I think is needed, it means God is working within me to "will and to act." But how do I know what God wants me to do? That is the part that so many Christians miss. We miss out on our time to commune with God. We miss out on the gift of prayer, meditation, ans study of His Word to discern what the will of God is for us in our lives. Let me give you an example. If I do not talk to my wife, I can not determine what she has planned for us. And I can, by my lack of communication create a schedule conflict. That is an oversimplification, but only to a degree. If we are not in conversation with God in prayer, meditation, and study of His Word we miss out and create opportunities to conflict our plans with God's plans. Success does not follow that path. Success, in the form of fulfilling God's will requires we exercise every opportunity to discern His will. After all he is in charge, it is His will and not our will we should seek to fulfill. For it is God who works in you and I to "will and to act according to His good purpose."
PRAYER: Good and gracious Lord, ee are often so sure we know, without consulting with You, what it is You want us to do. We set forth plans and move forward in ministry. And all too often we fail. We find ourselves frustrated, defeated, and at cross-purposes with Your Will. Forgive us Father for our pride that interferes with our love for You. Guide us with Your Spirit to keep within us the faith we need. Shape us to Your good purpose. We ask this in the name Jesus Christ who with the Father and the Spirit reigns over all. One God, now and forever. Amen.
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