Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
I guess I am something of a dinosaur. The current craze of "political correctness" grates against my nature and character. It could be an aging thing, or I might just be getting fed up with the mantra of the current narrative being shouted from many towers. We foolishly think that those elected to public office, or those who gain prominence socially would speak words of wisdom. Sadly, that is often not the case. Ignorance has replaced wisdom in modern speech.
At some magical undefined date and time there came a shift in the beliefs of the country we call the USA. I cannot pin down the precise moment, but it happened nonetheless. And we are not a better country for that change. Without any doubt, Satan is celebrating. For we have arrived at a point where we elevate sinful behavior and decry those who speak out against sin. Some might say we are living in an age of social enlightenment. Those same words have been used on many occasions to justify all manners of despicable and and sinful behavior. Sadly the measure used to define this "enlightenment" is not written down. It is merely made up is someone or a group of people's head. And surprise, surprise the measure shifts to meet the convenience of the modern desires. Today when somebody choses to stand up for biblical principals, they are shouted down and called hate mongers. The words of Jesus from Matthew 23:13 ring awfully loud "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in." Jesus used soft words on many occasions. He delivered many messages with sweet words. But, on some occasions, when soft words had failed it was time for harsh words and tough talk. The truth in ancient times was not warmly received. Unfortunately the same holds true today regardless of the perceived level of "social enlightenment".
Our problem is not different than in the days when our Savior walked this earth. Sin is sin and to not call it sin does not lessen the abomination before God it represents. Somewhere and somehow we as believers need to find the words of love to share the message that we embrace the sinner, we just reject the sin. We love those who sin, because we too are sinners. We do not accept sinful behavior as correct behavior. We cannot preach the holier-than-thou doctrine because we are not. We who are sinful and broken rely on the grace of God for our salvation. We acknowledge our broken condition. But, those who reject that they are broken a paving a path of destruction upon themselves and the generations to follow. If something is wrong, it is wrong. It does not become right because the vocal minority choses to say it is right. How well did that work out for Sodom and Gomorra? We need to pray because this is a God-sized problem that is Satan inspired & manmade. You and I by ourselves cannot solve this problem!
PRAYER: Father in heaven, give us Your words. We need Your words to change what needs to be changed. Inspire us with Your words to reach out in love to embrace the sinner, because Your Son embraced all mankind on the cross. Give us the words to share the message of forgiveness gained on the cross. We desperately need You Lord. This we ask in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.
The Underway Devotionals is a Christian blog. Underway is a nautical term used for when a vessel has left the safety of the dock or anchorage. For believers, it describes our being out in the world holding onto and sharing our faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us - "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." To God be all the glory in all that we do!
This Is Where Everything Changed

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
The Joy And Peace Of Family
1 Chronicles 16:25-28 For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place. Ascribe to the LORD, O families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength,
The gathering of the clan is underway in Georgia. My family is assembling for our periodic, and unfortunately all too infrequent face-to-face sharing of time and lives. The back drop for this reunion is my wife Pam and I was the sermon at Grace Lutheran last Sunday. It was about family reunions and the difficulties that ensue. For many of you reading this, that too may be an element of your reunions past and present.
For my family, this reunion is markedly different. You see, each of us has changed since the times of the past. Gone are the anxieties of the past. Life and the challenges placed before us have forever forged a new person than the youth, or younger person we all were. We all have children in various stages of life. Some with the innocence and glow of youth. Some who have children (and even grandchildren) embarking on the earliest stages of adulthood. Still others have adults where children once stood and grandchildren from those same kids. Time has changed everyone. Dad is older and feeling the toll of aging we all encounter. Mom is absent here, but still in our hearts and with Jesus. In her place is a very nice stepmom who is a great friend to all of us and the love of Dad's life. Our lives are much different than in our past.
One of the most marked changes in all our lives is the role the Lord is playing. He has worked within each of us to forge a profound change. Each has found a relationship with the Lord. That has not been the case for all of us. Each in his or her own way has been through profound struggles. Each has at one time, or more than one time, reached the end of ourselves and all we could handle. Each, in our own way and time has found joy, strength and comfort in the Lord and his dwelling place. Our conversations at this reunion certainly are filled with memories of people, times and places from our common past. But for the first time, there is a common thread now that has not always been there. The role the Lord is playing in our lives is much different than in the past. That change is deep within the threads of our conversation. And frankly dear friends of the Risen Savior, that has made all the difference. I am truly blessed. My prayer for you this day is that you too will find that same difference at your next family reunion.
PRAYER: Father in heaven you give us family in our lives. And while we may not always accept that as a blessing, You have truly given us a visible link to our past and the lives we lived in that past. You have reached out to each family member in Your own way and in their own way our family members have embraced, or stepped away from that outstretched hand. For those who are firmly in Your embrace we give thanks. And for those who still have not grasped the love that You hold in Your hands, waiting for them to accept we ask for Your patience and perseverance. Help us Dear Lord to find the words and the love to share Your love in the way You would have us share. Let us put aside our past differences and embrace our families with that same love which You embrace all of Your with. We ask this in the name of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
The gathering of the clan is underway in Georgia. My family is assembling for our periodic, and unfortunately all too infrequent face-to-face sharing of time and lives. The back drop for this reunion is my wife Pam and I was the sermon at Grace Lutheran last Sunday. It was about family reunions and the difficulties that ensue. For many of you reading this, that too may be an element of your reunions past and present.
For my family, this reunion is markedly different. You see, each of us has changed since the times of the past. Gone are the anxieties of the past. Life and the challenges placed before us have forever forged a new person than the youth, or younger person we all were. We all have children in various stages of life. Some with the innocence and glow of youth. Some who have children (and even grandchildren) embarking on the earliest stages of adulthood. Still others have adults where children once stood and grandchildren from those same kids. Time has changed everyone. Dad is older and feeling the toll of aging we all encounter. Mom is absent here, but still in our hearts and with Jesus. In her place is a very nice stepmom who is a great friend to all of us and the love of Dad's life. Our lives are much different than in our past.
One of the most marked changes in all our lives is the role the Lord is playing. He has worked within each of us to forge a profound change. Each has found a relationship with the Lord. That has not been the case for all of us. Each in his or her own way has been through profound struggles. Each has at one time, or more than one time, reached the end of ourselves and all we could handle. Each, in our own way and time has found joy, strength and comfort in the Lord and his dwelling place. Our conversations at this reunion certainly are filled with memories of people, times and places from our common past. But for the first time, there is a common thread now that has not always been there. The role the Lord is playing in our lives is much different than in the past. That change is deep within the threads of our conversation. And frankly dear friends of the Risen Savior, that has made all the difference. I am truly blessed. My prayer for you this day is that you too will find that same difference at your next family reunion.
PRAYER: Father in heaven you give us family in our lives. And while we may not always accept that as a blessing, You have truly given us a visible link to our past and the lives we lived in that past. You have reached out to each family member in Your own way and in their own way our family members have embraced, or stepped away from that outstretched hand. For those who are firmly in Your embrace we give thanks. And for those who still have not grasped the love that You hold in Your hands, waiting for them to accept we ask for Your patience and perseverance. Help us Dear Lord to find the words and the love to share Your love in the way You would have us share. Let us put aside our past differences and embrace our families with that same love which You embrace all of Your with. We ask this in the name of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
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