Slipping Your Spiritual Anchor
Romans 8:38-39 "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
There is a philosophy to being a mariner. It is one of prudence, and being conservative in how you approach your sport. That is how you become and old mariner. When you set your anchors for an overnight mooring you set out at least two anchors. Two sturdy anchors, not your good anchor and then a light duty anchor. Two strong anchors. To set just one invites disaster in the form or a slipped anchor and a possible running aground or ashore. That is what prudence is all about. Do your best to to eliminate the possibility of a problem, before it has the opportunity to present itself when you are not a prepared.

How a mariner approaches anchoring is a lot like how we should approach or lives in Christ. We have the faith given us by the Holy Spirit to hold us strong. We have the word of God in the Bible to help keep us grounded/anchored in times of strife. But look at what are the influences trying to drag your off your anchors. Like the tides and waves which will influence a boat or ship to slip it's anchorage, so to will the world seek to drag you away. It can be a sudden and catastrophic event. A series of events or a steady build up of influences will also get the job done. Or maybe, like a slowly rising tide, your diligence slips ever so slowly until one day you notice your are hopelessly adrift. You have slipped your anchor. That my brothers and sisters in the Risen Savior is why it is not just a good idea to stay connected, IT IS AN IMPERATIVE. Stay in the word. Stay connected in worship and fellowship. There are dozens on analogies I can give you helping to illustrate how it is important. But look into your heart and you will see for yourself. It is right there, the Spirit speaking to you letting you know it is a must do on your to-do list. Friends, set your spiritual anchors, and check them regularly.
PRAYER: Lord and Giver of Life, we are tossed about in the seas of life. We have anchors that You have graciously given to us. Help us Dear Lord to firmly set our anchors. Guide is in our efforts to stay hooked to Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Spirit. One God, now and forever. Amen.